- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 4, 2024

Google’s Waymo robotic taxi cars have started sending food to customers in Arizona.

On Wednesday, some Uber Eats customers likely had their food delivered by a robot as part of Waymo’s partnership with Uber.

The collaboration was announced last year and coincided with Waymo starting to offer customers automated taxi rides in Phoenix. The deal between the two companies applies to customers who order through Uber Eats in Phoenix, Chandler, Mesa and Tempe. Only certain restaurants are involved, but the two firms say the program will expand.

“The addition of food delivery to Uber’s ongoing partnership with Waymo reflects both companies’ mission to encourage zero-emission trips and unlock greater innovation for consumers and merchants in Phoenix and beyond,” Uber said in a statement.

The partnership will likely cut the cost of Uber Eats significantly for some customers, as robots don’t take tips. According to Uber, customers can opt out of having a Waymo taxi deliver their food and can ask for a human courier.

The latest comes as Waymo expands its service on the West Coast. After testing with employees, the robotaxis are available in parts of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Also on the board are plans to enter Texas.

While customers generally might not trust autonomous vehicles to transport them safely, most wouldn’t scoff at paying less for food delivery. Popular food delivery apps like DoorDash and Uber Eats have faced criticism from consumers for poor customer service and high prices.

• Vaughn Cockayne can be reached at vcockayne@washingtontimes.com.

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