If people believe that boys can be girls and men can be pregnant, they will believe anything — including the ideas that “Bidenomics” is working, the border is secure and President Biden is cognitively fit to serve another four years.

Contrary to what Democrats and the mainstream media want us to believe, the threat to democracy comes not from Donald Trump but from people departing reality to embrace lies over truth. It comes when these very same people then marginalize, demonetize and censor those who refuse to accept and affirm their chosen fictions. In such a world, truth becomes the enemy — and so do the people who are still tethered to it. 

Our Founders understood that sustaining a constitutional republic requires people being grounded in truth and in reality. It requires rejecting utopian ideologies and having a correct understanding of human nature. Truth is foundational to science, justice and liberty. Unfortunately, too many Americans are rejecting and replacing objective truth with their own “truths” and even their own “realities.” The error is then compounded when they punish those who refuse to join them.

Freedom is not about killing unborn children and removing all moral restraints from society. It is not about decriminalizing retail theft and legalizing drug use. Such foolishness only leads to the lawlessness we are seeing in our cities. Genuine freedom is sustained only by moral and virtuous people living responsibly. It is about extending our constitutional rights, particularly those pertaining to speech, religion, due process and self-defense.

Unfortunately, these rights and others are currently under attack by President Biden and his “progressive” friends. Not only do they not understand genuine freedom, but they don’t have the values or the worldview necessary to sustain it. So vote accordingly this November. Your freedom may depend on it. 


Mount Vernon, Virginia

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