- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Were the election held today, President Biden’s reelection bid would fail in a 312-226 electoral rebuke. The latest RealClearPolitics average of battleground state polls finds Mr. Biden lags in every swing state.

These findings aren’t much of a surprise, given that 2 in 3 Americans tell pollsters that the country is moving in the wrong direction. Immigration is the top concern as millions of foreign intruders slink over the border illegally, only to be handed smartphones and plane tickets by government agents eager to relocate them to key congressional districts — all while administration officials deny there’s a problem.

In addition to chaos at the border, there’s chaos abroad and now chaos on campuses across the nation. Students demonstrate their appreciation for Mr. Biden’s latest $7 trillion loan forgiveness giveaway by setting up tents, littering, and banging drums in solidarity with Hamas. No wonder only 27% think Mr. Biden is doing a great job handling the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians.

The economic disarray is equally troubling. The National Federation of Independent Business says optimism is fading among small-business owners, reaching the lowest point the federation has measured since 2012. Some 37% of mom-and-pop operations report trouble finding enough qualified employees to take jobs, and most have had to raise prices as net sales expectations continue to plunge.

The Conference Board likewise perceives a drop in consumer confidence, noting increased anxiety and pessimism about the future. Thanks to Uncle Sam’s rampant spending, big tax increases are clouding the economic future. Former President Donald Trump’s signature tax cuts expire at the end of 2025, which means a $1.9 trillion tax hike is on the way unless there’s a vote of Congress to keep them in place.

Mr. Biden vows to block the efforts of “extreme MAGA congressional Republicans” to restore tax relief. The average family earning $85,000 per year will pay at least $1,661 more in taxes should he remain in office.

Mr. Biden is so desperate to keep the moving vans at bay that, in the minds of most Americans, he has resorted to cheating. According to a Harvard/Harris poll released Monday, the public by a 57% margin believes “Democrats are engaged in using the legal system in biased ways to take out a political opponent.”

This became apparent last week as Mr. Biden was out campaigning in Florida while a Manhattan judge forced his GOP rival to sit in the courtroom on charges brought by a prosecutor funded by a George Soros front group in a case being argued by a former top Biden Justice Department official.

New York Judge Juan Merchan is supposed to be a neutral arbiter, but he donates to the Biden campaign, and he clearly doesn’t want to disappoint his daughter, Loren, who is raising millions for Democratic candidates off what’s happening in Daddy’s courtroom.

This blatant abuse of the system for political advantage is turning off voters who would ordinarily be inclined to pull the lever for Democrats, contributing to Mr. Trump’s surge in the polls.

As strange as it seems, many now see a vote for Donald Trump as a vote to return to normal.

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