- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee announced Wednesday that they raised more than $65.6 million in March, ending the month with over $93.1 million cash on hand.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said former President Donald Trump had created a “fundraising juggernaut.”

“While he has been the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party for less than a month, the RNC and Trump campaign are one unified operation and focused on victory,” Mr. Whatley said. “We’re raising funds and making strategic investments to get out the vote and protect the ballot. We are going to win BIG in just 31 weeks.”

The announcement comes just days after President Biden hosted a glitzy campaign fundraiser in New York City that included former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, taking in $26 million for Mr. Biden’s reelection run.

With new leadership elected last month at the RNC and Mr. Trump clinching the nomination, Republicans are scrambling to regain financial footing against Democrats’ early money advantage.

“Our campaign, working together with the RNC, has been steadily ramping up our fundraising efforts, and our March numbers are a testament to the overwhelming support for President Trump by voters all across the spectrum,” said Senior Adviser to the Trump Campaign Susie Wiles.

Ms. Wiles added, “Republicans may not be beneficiaries of the self-interested largess from Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites, but President Trump is proud to be supported by donations from voters who are the backbone of this nation, which will fuel Republicans up and down the ballot.”

The Trump campaign last month took over the RNC’s operations and elected Mr. Whatley as chair and Mr. Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump as co-chair. Chris LaCivita, Trump’s co-campaign manager, is now serving as the RNC chief of staff.

A fundraiser is scheduled in Palm Beach this week where wealthy GOP donors are expected to fork over $33 million for the Trump campaign and Save America PAC, the political action committee paying for most of Mr. Trump’s legal bills.

• Kerry Picket can be reached at kpicket@washingtontimes.com.

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