- Thursday, April 25, 2024

Stacey Abrams has made news yet again. The former candidate for Georgia governor went on her comrade in arms Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show to make a plug for diversity, equity and inclusion and stated that any opposition to it is an “attack on democracy.”

Better known as DEI, this contrived, made-up name and secular left initiative has, in recent years, become a leading propaganda tool that Democrats use to push their radical transgender agenda. But just like every other Democratic social-engineering policy and law that is anti-God and anti-America, Black people are used as the catalyst to couch and advance DEI because, without identity politics, the secular left could not get their junk ideas implemented.

Think I’m wrong? Just look at affirmative action as an example. Democrats have used the facade that affirmative action has been necessary and created to help Black people get into college or be hired when the true reason that Democrats created this initiative was to undermine America’s constitutional republic and give federal government bureaucrats an excuse to insert themselves into various sectors, particularly education and labor.

The same goes for Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. Black people were the key target group used to usher in an entirely new form of socialized government that has grown exponentially since its inception it has come back to bite us. This is evidenced by the fact that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which Johnson proposed that Congress create in 1968, was the government agency President Biden used to mandate that private businesses force American employees to be vaccinated. (And if not for a conservative Trump-appointed Supreme Court that thankfully overturned this tyrannical rule, who knows where we would be today.) 

To be clear, the real racist party is the Democratic Party. Democrats do not care about nor are they for Black people; the Democrats are, however, for using Black people to get their agenda through. And that agenda is quite simple: to replace America’s republic form of government with socialized federal government oversight so that they can implement a godless agenda to transform our Christian culture, with DEI being the latest policy trick they use to do just this.

The first DEI-titled executive order was signed in 2011 by President Barack Obama, and over the years, the term has become popularized as the secular left has incorporated it into media talking points to sell it to the public and make it part of the American vocabulary on par with affirmative action. The concepts of DEI and affirmative action are virtually the same, though DEI is much more explosive and aggressive in its deceptive aim.

When Mr. Biden moved into the White House, he quickly picked up the DEI mantle to build on Mr. Obama’s efforts. He issued a more detailed executive order to all federal government entities (though it is also used as a model to sway influence over state and city governments, universities, and all entities that receive federal funds) that includes multiple references to transgenderism and terms like “gender nonbinary.”  

As such, federal departments have made changes accordingly, including Antony Blinken’s State Department, which changed the form for U.S. passports to include “X” as a gender option. Mr. Blinken also issued a memo that “urged staffers to avoid ‘problematic’ terms like ‘manpower’ and ‘mother/father.’”

So when Ms. Abrams talks about democracy, she is not talking about democracy as we know it; she is redefining the term. To her and the rest of the secular left, the biblical Christian worldview that sees lifestyle choices, like transgenderism, as immoral is what she considers anti-democratic.  

Sure, DEI will advance Black Americans — as long as they are willing to advance transgenderism. The progressive left will never celebrate Black Americans who hold conservative views. Look at how disrespected Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Dr. Ben Carson are by the left. These brilliant men are beyond accomplished yet scorned by progressives.  

If Black Americans want to be included and players in the DEI game, they have to consent to have their skin color used as a ruse to advance the transgender agenda.  

And in case there is any doubt that transgenderism trumps the value of Black Americans in the eyes of the progressive left, all one needs to do is look at the public exchange that occurred not long ago between Republican Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears and a male state senator when Ms. Sears received immense backlash from Democrats for having called this man “sir” in a legislative session — because evidently, he now dresses as a woman.  

That Ms. Sears is the first Black woman to rise to Virginia’s high office made no difference, nor did it prevent liberals from verbalizing their rebuke of her for not using this man’s preferred pronouns.

It comes down to this: DEI, like the Great Society and other government-controlling laws and programs, does irreversible damage to the Black community, both economically and culturally. The sad reality is that when Stacey Abrams, along with the old Black guardsmen like Al Sharpton, are liaisons to manipulate the Black community to keep voting for Democratic policies that have destroyed Black livelihoods, they are only inflicting more harm on Black America.  

Make no mistake, when it comes to democracy, DEI is the antithesis of democracy because it forces a belief system on all Americans. So not only are Black proponents of DEI on the wrong side of democracy, but they are the ultimate blackface.

• John K. Amanchukwu Sr. is an influential preacher, author and activist who spreads God’s truth zealously and without fear. From the battles on the North Carolina State football field to the current culture wars, he is a fearless defender of biblical justice. IKnowGod.us.

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