- The Washington Times - Monday, April 22, 2024

So these are the racist Americans President Biden warned us about.

Isra Hirsi got bounced from Barnard College over the weekend after being jailed for refusing to obey police orders to disband a 20-tent “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” on the lawn of Columbia University in New York during a vicious anti-Israel protest last week.

The college campus demonstrations include calls for Israel to be “burned to the ground” and Jews to be shipped “back to Poland.” Yikes.

Also: “Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets, too.”

The open embrace of terrorists and personal targeting of Jewish students at Columbia and elsewhere has become so brazen that Jewish students have been warned to go home for the remainder of the year. For their own safety.

So much for “safe spaces” in American academia today. Safe spaces are reserved only for Hamas supporters who hate Israel.

Apartheid. Zionists. Oppressors. Gaza open-air prison. (How is a prison open?) Occupiers. Invaders. (If you are an “occupier,” how can you also be an “invader”?)

It’s all very complicated.

Anyway, Ms. Hirsi is the 21-year-old daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who represents Somalia in the U.S. Congress. (Also complicated. Further complicated is that the child’s name is Hirsi, which appears to be spelled differently than Omar.)

Anyway, the congresshuman is “enormously proud” of her daughter’s virulent anti-Israel protesting (not complicated).

“She has always led with courage and compassion,” Ms. Omar said, citing her daughter’s passionate protest of guns that commit violence and against the environment, “and now pushing her school to stand against genocide.”

Ms. Omar hates America with unusual vigor for someone who came here from someplace else. Her level of disdain for America is normally reserved for privileged wimps who grew up in the luxury of America.

So it was unusual to see Ms. Omar rush to her daughter’s defense by hiding behind the Great Satan’s oppressive Constitution.

“Stepping up to change what you can’t tolerate is why we as a country have the right to speech, assembly and petition enshrined in our constitution,” she said in a statement.

President Biden’s historic presidency will be mostly remembered for the confusion of it all. 

Talking to dead people. Getting lost on stage. Sign language suicides. Siding with “ally” Israel by giving billions of dollars to Iran.

The only clarity from this administration is that we finally know what it means when people say a man is so stupid and slow and infirm that he “could not find his way out of a wet paper bag.”

While that is certainly a major victory for the Urban Dictionary, it has been a disaster for America and the world — especially Jewish students on college campuses.

When he launched his campaign for president, Mr. Biden claimed that Americans were a bunch of racists and if you didn’t vote for him, “you ain’t Black.” This was a continuation of his theme when he was vice president, where he warned Black voters that if Republicans got elected, they would “put y’all back in chains.”

In actual America, among normal people, this was all terribly confusing. Where are all these racists? Who wants to put Black people “back in chains”? Who enforces the Democratic Party’s racial voting codes?

Well, here they are. Protesting the existence of living Jews on American college campuses.

They are the children of virulently anti-Israel congresspersons. They are Democrats. And Mr. Biden desperately wants their votes.

But he also wants the votes of the Jewish students that these protesters want eliminated.

It’s all so confusing. Just another plank in the Biden Doctrine.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times.

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