The Exposing Agriculture Trade Suppression Act being pushed by Smithfield Foods (a subsidiary of China’s WH Group) in Congress, threatens to undermine states’ rights and paves the way for industrial farming practices that compromise animal welfare and environmental standards (“House hearing scheduled to investigate China’s threat to U.S. agriculture industry,” web, March 18).

This legislation aims to nullify state and local laws that enforce agricultural standards, including those crucial for animal welfare, food safety and worker rights. Measures such as California’s Proposition 12, which mandates minimum space requirements for farm animals, are at risk.

Such foreign influence, particularly from a nation where animal welfare standards are nonexistent, poses a severe threat to the ethical progress and sustainability of American agriculture. The consolidation of U.S. pig production under foreign companies such as the WH Group further jeopardizes our food sovereignty, prioritizing profits over people, animals and the planet.

The unanimous opposition to the EATS Act by a bipartisan group of lawmakers underscores the broad recognition of its dangers. As American citizens, we must support these efforts to preserve our nation’s agricultural integrity, protect animal welfare, and ensure that our food systems remain sustainable and just.

We must not allow foreign interests to dictate American agricultural practices. I urge readers to contact their representatives and express strong opposition to the EATS Act, safeguarding our states’ rights to enact laws that reflect our values and standards.



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