- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 2, 2024

House Republicans from Minnesota are demanding answers from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about how an al-Shabab terrorist was able to make his way to their state.

Mr. Mayorkas was asked how a Somali terrorist was able to enter the U.S. and then allowed to travel freely for almost a year before the authorities realized their error and arrested him. They’re also questioning whether his flight to Minnesota was funded by taxpayer dollars.

“Due to Minnesota’s far distance from the border, it is not an easy task for migrants to travel to the state,” the lawmakers wrote. “Did the [al-Shabab] terrorist travel to Minnesota with the assistance, either direct or indirect of an [Non-Governmental Organization]? If so, which NGO was responsible for transporting the individual to Minnesota?”

The letter was signed by Majority Whip Tom Emmer and Reps. Brad Finstad, Michelle Fischbach and Pete Stauber. They blamed President Biden’s “open boarder” policies for allowing a terrorist to roam across the U.S.

The 27-year-old Somalian has not been identified by name but is a confirmed member of al-Shabab, a terrorist group. He was arrested for illegally entering the U.S. in California last March but then set free by DHS.

He was rearrested in January after Immigration and Customs Enforcement made a “redetermination” that he was associated with the Somali militant group.

At a press conference in February, ICE acting Director Patrick Lechleitner said his agency arrested the individual “within 48 hours” of learning who he was.

• Mallory Wilson can be reached at mwilson@washingtontimes.com.

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