- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 18, 2024

Donald Trump faces fines for violating a gag order imposed by a politically charged judge at the request of a politically charged district attorney, and a whole bunch of ignorant people in America think that’s A-OK.

Wake up and smell the tyranny.

What’s happening to Trump in his Manhattan courtroom — in all his courtrooms right now, for that matter — is not happening to just Trump. It’s happening to the entire judicial system, and it’s ultimately leaving a dark stain for all of America — for all Americans — to have to deal with eventually. What happens to Trump, doesn’t stay with Trump.

What happens to Trump in court sets a precedent for all the Constitution-hating, limited-government-detesting, law-and-order-scoffing leftists to take and run with; to use as an excuse for more runaway government going forward; to cite in court as cause to bring to the knees for the foreseeable future anyone and anybody who dares stand strong to deep state malfeasance and call out, fight, buck and rebel against wayward and immoral politicians.

If it can happen to Trump — think what will happen to Joe Q. Nobody.

In Manhattan, just to refresh, what we have is a Democrat-donating judge — Justice Juan Merchan, who’s given money to Joe Biden’s campaign, albeit only $15 — with a daughter who Trump’s defense claims is a political operative who will benefit financially from her father’s case — and a district attorney on a tear to tie Trump to more than 30 criminal counts that are so negligible even non-Trump supporters are like — what??

As Politico wrote when the Manhattan district attorney first announced his case a year ago: “Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump is running into a wall of skepticism — including from left-leaning legal experts, liberal pundits and some of Trump’s Republican detractors who have otherwise been eager to see him held accountable. A day after the Manhattan district attorney unveiled the history-making charging documents against the former president, some of Bragg’s natural allies were left scratching their heads and Trump world appeared emboldened by the uncertainties in the case.”

Like Trump, hate Trump or care nothing for Trump, the biggest issue here is the integrity of America’s judicial system.

Law and order are cornerstones of a republic. Next to a moral citizenry, the concept of blind justice represents an absolute need for any society that prides itself on limited governance. Once those cornerstones crack, the foundations of proper government, moral leadership and a just society crumble, eventually leading to a fall in the faith of the people to believe in the nation, followed quickly by a freefall of the nation itself into corruption and absolute decay.

“Prosecutors want Merchan to fine Trump $3,000 for three lagged gag order breaches — and warn the ex-president that he could face up to 30 days in jail if he flouts the court order again,” the New York Post reported.

What did Trump say?

He shared a statement from his accuser, former porn star Stormy Daniels, in which she denied she and Trump had ever had sex. He’s also criticized his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who’s now a key witness for the prosecution — for the politically motivated and politically charged Bragg.

Dragging a former president who’s running for another four years into court for supposed crimes that raise skeptical eyebrows all around is egregious enough, as it gives the whiff of Third World and communist country deep state tactics. But it’s the long-term that’s worse. A corrupt judicial system cannot stand. Law and order cannot last when the pillars of law and order have been corrupted.

Gagging Trump, telling him he can’t talk, pretending that stripping him of his God-given right to speak freely and his constitutionally protected First Amendment liberties is lawful and proper and moral, this all creates a narrative that will have ripple effects on all of America’s court systems.

Americans need to stop looking at Trump’s court cases as if they’re about Trump and start realizing the real danger: It’s about freedom. It’s about liberty. It’s about God-given versus government-granted. 

Trump is the face of what government will do to all of us, if we allow.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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