- Thursday, April 18, 2024

Iran made a major mistake last weekend. Its unprecedented attack on Israel restored some of the global support received by Israel after the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas terrorists. Thankfully, Iran’s strike was largely unsuccessful. 

According to the Israel Defense Forces, 170 drones were fired at Israel from Iran. None of them crossed into Israeli territory, nor did any of the 30 or more cruise missiles fired from Iran. Israeli air force jets, along with American aircraft, shot them down. Of the 120 ballistic missiles fired at Israel from Iran, only five hit Israeli territory. 

President Biden should share the blame for this attack against our greatest ally in the Middle East. He released billions of dollars in Iranian assets that were frozen under various sanctions. Where do we think the money went?! 

Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Many believe that the funding for the Oct. 7 attacks on innocent civilians and the taking of hostages that followed was provided — at least in part — by Iran. Now, they’ve removed all doubt with their full-scale attack on the people of the state of Israel

One of Mr. Biden’s chief apologists, Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, previously attacked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and suggested it was time for new leadership. Imagine if former British Prime Minister Tony Blair had called for new leadership in the United States less than six months after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It would have empowered the terrorists to attack more Americans. Mr. Schumer’s words inspired the terrorists in Iran. 

After the debacle in Afghanistan, America’s foes were emboldened to move without fear, while our allies worried that we might abandon them. Seeing Afghan citizens who previously served as interpreters for the U.S. military being left in their home country, where they faced certain torture and likely execution, opened the door to the advance of evil elsewhere in the world. 

The dark side of Iran is nothing new. Radicals there held Americans hostage for 444 days until Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th president. There was a new sheriff in town, and they were afraid of what he might do to them. 

The same was true when former President Donald Trump was in office. His approval of sending a drone to take out Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani sent a clear message. Our adversaries were afraid of us. It kept us out of war. 

President Biden’s warning to Iran before the attacks was “Don’t.” It didn’t work. 

Peace through strength works. Weakness, however, opens the door to evil. 

Meanwhile, anti-Israel protesters declared their support for the terrorist organization Hezbollah while carrying their flag around New York City on Monday. In Chicago, protesters blocked an access road leading to O’Hare International Airport. The protest forced commuters to leave their cars and walk from the highway to airport terminals. Similar protests took place at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. 

Controversy erupted at the University of Southern California as the valedictorian who was scheduled to speak appeared to post a link on social media to a blog that read: “One Palestinian state would mean Palestinian liberation and the complete abolishment of the State of Israel. This is the only one towards justice.”  

The student is a history major with a minor in “resistance to genocide.” I didn’t even know that was a thing. Imagine walking into a job interview and saying you minored in resistance to genocide.  No wonder young people have so much student loan debt. They are taking courses that keep them in school for too many years and can’t get them a decent-paying job. 

Many of these radicals can’t even find the Jordan River on a map. That is fairly important when they’re holding signs that say, “From the River to the Sea.” So many don’t know that would eliminate Israel, the only Jewish state in a region where it is surrounded by Muslim countries. Even worse are the ones who do know what that means and still want to do it.  

One of the biggest surprises has been the clarity of Sen. John Fetterman on this issue. Recently, he called Hamas “cowards and rapists who beat and abduct innocent civilians. When Hamas supports your views, it’s time to reevaluate your core values. We must demand every last hostage is back home — NOW.” He is one of the few Democrats willing to speak the truth on this issue instead of selling out to voters in Michigan who might be upset about standing with Israel. It is nice to see an occasional profile in courage. 

The people of Israel did not have the luxury of being attacked at a time that wasn’t so close to a tight election. They have warned of the existential threats in their neighborhood for years. It is time for stand with Israel

• Scott Walker is president of Young America’s Foundation and served as the 45th governor of Wisconsin.

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