- The Washington Times - Friday, April 12, 2024

Imagine a group of thugs break into your home, rape your daughter, murder your son and run off with your baby after setting fire to all your belongings — and then a week after helping bring to justice the perpetrators, the local media and political leaders give up and demand you instead sit down and strike a deal with your attackers; that you agree to coexist peacefully alongside them so long as they agree to give back your baby. Would you say hey, now, what a great idea?

That’s what the leftists in world powers are advocating for Israel.

Scarcely a month after the Hamas terror attacks on Israel, the narrative of “poor Jews” has shifted to that of “poor Palestinians,” and “poor Palestinian civilians,” and “poor Palestinian children.” The narrative has shifted so that the Palestinians under Hamas — under the Hamas terror they voted into office — have become the victims of the Israeli oppressors, the victims of a world that has not given them the land they want, the land they say they deserve, the land they say the Jewish nation is unjustly occupying. The narrative has shifted so that the thousands of murdered, killed, injured, abducted and grievously damaged Israeli citizens, civilians, men, women, children, babies and IDF soldiers — so that these innocents are not so much innocents as rightful casualties of a long-running war, and that if Israel wants to stop this long-running war and get the other side to lay down arms and commit to peace, all Israel has to do is agree to destroy its people and its nation.

That’s the mentality the two-staters think they can persuade with logic, facts and logical, factual appeals to common sense and mutual interests. The problem, of course, is that the Israelis want to live and the terrorists want them to die and it’s tough to find the mutually agreed-upon common ground to bridge those divides.

“President Joe Biden,” Politico wrote in January, “said he believed a two-state solution between the Israelis and Palestinians could still happen even with the current Israeli government [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] in power.”

This, from The Hill in March, “Senate Democrats press Biden to establish two-state solution for Israel, Palestine.” The story went on to say that 19 Dems, under the leadership of Sen. Tom Carper, wrote to Biden to push him to bring about “a bold, public framework” that recognizes a “non militarized Palestinian state” and to “reignite U.S. leadership on a diplomatic solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”


If Carper’s home were busted into and his daughter raped and his son murdered and his baby taken hostage, would a “bold, public framework” for a “diplomatic solution” make sense? 

So much less for Israel.

It’s easy to be a politician a light year away from war, living in the comfort of cocktails at five and catered meals at 7, with armed security forces standing guard a discreet distance away and an armored or tinted-window vehicle parked with a waiting driver in the street — and calling for peace, peace! Lay down those weapons and talk! It’s easy to discuss peace for others who are at war.

But in the house of Israel, Hamas was the intruder, the murderer, the rapist, the abductor. Most of the Israelis who wanted peace with the Palestinians and provided peace-loving gestures to their Gaza neighbors, i.e., food, medical care, transportation, friendship, had their eyes ripped wide open on October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists attacked, and then again, when the Palestinians in Gaza cheered Hamas attacks, and then again and again, even now, when Palestinians in Gaza continue to support the Hamas attacks against Israelis.

Peace with Palestinians?

Too many government, military and civilian sources in Israel point to the tunnels that were discovered under Palestinian homes, as well as the machines of war, like RPGs, that were discovered under the beds in Palestinian homes, as evidence of the inability of these so-called innocent civilians to carve out a peace-with-Jews position in their hearts. Evil just doesn’t turn its cheek so easily.

Evil needs to be dominated, subdued and utterly destroyed in order for peace to come.

“The Only Real Solution is a Two-State Solution,” the U.S. Department of State posted in a YouTube about a month ago.

Biden: Only Gaza solution is a two-state solution,” NBC News posted in a YouTube about a month ago.

A two-state solution means death to Israel, followed by death to America, followed by death to the West. That’s the chant; those are the words. Those are the phrases of one side of the two-state equation — and here’s a hint: it ain’t Israel.

The solution to peace in the Middle East is to destroy the forces that are stirring the terror. Kill the terrorists, obliterate the terror organizations, destroy the ability of those who fund terrorism, like Iran, to fund terrorism. Then and only then will peace prevail.

That seems a common sense agenda this White House should be able to back and support.

That Team Biden doesn’t only sends the clear message to the world that America, under this administration, stands with terrorists almost as much, nearly as much, heck maybe just as much as with Israel. That’s all the terrorists need to know to continue their terrorist ways. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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