- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Biden administration is slow-walking a top item on the LGBTQ left’s to-do list, opening an opportunity for Republicans to spotlight the unpopular scheme as Election Day nears.

Democrats have spent more than a year laying the groundwork for redefining sex discrimination under Title IX to include disparate treatment on the basis of “gender identity.” Doing so would gut the 1972 statute that was enacted to provide equality of opportunity for girls and women in collegiate athletics.

The change would overrule 25 state-level bans on allowing men who identify as women from participating in female sports under the guise of ensuring “equality.” As a result, biological males would grab even more of the gold medals and championships out of the hands of the girls and women for whom the contests were intended.

Testimony before the House Oversight Committee in December outlined all of the ways in which the administration’s pending proposal undermines the whole point of Title IX.

“Not only would biological males be able to take positions on teams away from females, it includes scholarship money at different levels, it includes awards at different levels, it includes now [name, image and likeness] money — sponsorship money,” said Kim Russell, the former head women’s lacrosse coach at Oberlin College.

The new administrative rule is ready to go, and the Biden administration’s most hardened ideologues are eager to implement it by fiat as soon as possible. Officials with more calculating designs, however, have paused the proposal until after November, having realized the public is not on their side.

In a Rasmussen poll conducted last month, respondents by a better than 7-to-1 margin are against allowing men claiming to be women to compete against biological girls and women. Only extremists on the left deny the inherent unfairness of forcing girls and women to have to compete against these bigger, stronger and faster faux females.

After Mr. Biden is safely reelected — they hope — the change can be foisted on an unwilling public.

In defense of the Title IX status quo, 16 current and former female collegiate athletes on March 14 sued the NCAA to compel it to prohibit trans women from competing against real women. The NCAA should follow the lead of the rival National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, an organization representing 239 schools, whose board — in a victory for sanity — voted unanimously Monday to ban biologically male athletes from women’s sports.

The Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign should file amicus briefs in the NCAA case, which could put Mr. Biden’s Justice Department in the awkward and untenable position of being pressured by the trans lobby to side against the young women.

It would also make sense to recruit the “Sweet 16” for an appearance at the Republican convention in July, or to assist in various House, Senate and gubernatorial races as a counterpoint to the Democrats’ campaign onslaught on abortion.

If redefining discrimination under Title IX were actually a good idea, Democrats would implement it right now. Since that’s not happening, it’s only fair to put a spotlight on what the administration is planning so voters can make an informed choice in November.

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