- The Washington Times - Monday, April 1, 2024

The Democratic Party’s latest mental breakdown over former President Donald Trump was triggered last week by the former president hawking Bibles to supporters over the internet. It is, according to them, an affront to democracy while at the same time disrespectful of the Christian faith.

According to them. Seriously, arguing with Democrats is like talking to pigeons in the park. Only a truly demented or bored or hopeless person tries it.

You might be tempted to say President Biden is the dumbest person to ever inhabit the White House, but the truth is that people even dumber than he are actually running the place and telling him what to do.

Anyway, who alive today could be a greater defender of the Christian faith than the party and president who declares Easter Sunday “Trans Awareness Day”?

Of course, good Christians everywhere love people no matter who they are or what mental diseases they may have. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, cares about people with mental disease only if they can exploit them for political purposes and get them to vote for Democratic politicians.

Truly the sickest people on the planet. Democrats, I mean, not the poor mentally ill people that Democrats prey upon.

The good news in this time of Christian hope is that Democrats have never been more desperate.

Black and Hispanic voters are fleeing the party in record numbers. When President Biden declared the day of Christ’s resurrection “Trans Awareness Day,” the White House was careful not to translate the national proclamation into Spanish since Hispanic voters are overwhelmingly Catholic and tend to take Easter Sunday seriously.

Again, these people have no decency. And now they are desperate, too.

Things are so ugly for Mr. Biden that he has personally decided to try to be more like Mr. Trump on the campaign trail.

Mr. Biden “has ramped up personal, biting and often sarcastic broadsides against his Republican opponent, targeting his financial challenges, his campaign tempo and even his weight,” according to a recent report. “It’s a strategy largely driven by Biden himself, according to multiple aides and advisors familiar with the approach.”

Particularly hilarious about Mr. Biden’s effort to copy Mr. Trump is that campaign aides apparently think it’s working.

“This is him and we’re following his lead,” one Biden aide told NBC News. “There’s just something about Joe Biden that gets under Donald Trump’s skin more than anybody, and I think Joe Biden knows that.”


Yeah, you give ’em hell, Joe!

It is also worth noting how dutifully NBC News and the rest of the lapdog media report on this strategy as if it were an actual strategy. And that it is somehow effective.

Meanwhile, in further Good News this past Easter, the profound malaise has extended well beyond the White House and the Biden campaign to congressional staffers who work on Capitol Hill.

Gridlock and partisanship have gotten so bad in Washington that it is even taking a toll on senior congressional staffers. (I am sorry, but this makes me emotional. I am actually getting choked up writing this. Tears of joy.)

“Nearly half of the upper-level aides are now eyeing the exits,” according to a survey by the nonprofit Congressional Management Foundation, which seeks to “strengthen trust in Congress.”

“The report says that 44 percent of Republican staffers and 51% of Democratic staffers are considering leaving Capitol Hill due to ‘heated rhetoric from the other party.’”

Seriously, if the rise of Donald Trump accomplishes nothing but an exodus of Capitol Hill staffers, it will have all been totally worth it.

And as if things could not get any better in Washington these days, Mr. Biden, other Democratic politicians and congressional staffers aren’t the only ones in the grips of desperation. Turns out that those in the Washington press corps are so desperate, they have taken to stealing from Air Force One.

According to the New York Post, the White House Correspondents’ Association issued a directive ordering reporters to stop stealing pillowcases, towels, china, cutlery, and engraved whiskey tumblers and wineglasses from the president’s plane.

“But the tone of the association’s email wasn’t accusatory and was phrased more like it was offering a no-harm, no-foul reprieve if the missing items were returned,” according to the Post.

If only the innocent American tax-paying citizen were afforded the same respect.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor of The Washington Times.

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