- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 7, 2023

Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas and presidential candidate, said on his news show on TBN that if Democrats are able to keep Donald Trump from the White House in 2024 due to his legal troubles, then America’s future elections will be decided by “bullets.”

He’s got a valid point. The Democrats have been pushing this country down the path of civil war for years.

The Democrats stand idly by — cheering even — as Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs riot in the streets, hurl bricks at windows, destroy police vehicles and demand that homeowners leave their homes. But when conservatives rally in public around Trump, they call that a COVID-spreader and demand disbandment.

Democrats fight for the right of radical nuts to storm the streets outside Supreme Court justices’ homes and demand unfettered access to abortion, all the while waving angry banners and signage and screaming like the deranged loons they are — and Democrats call that a First Amendment right.

But when Second Amendment supporters gather around a state building to protest a legislative attempt to strip law-abiding citizens of the right to carry, they deem it an act of violence, a show of unlawful force, a threatening display of White supremacist fringe militia group members, and they call police to patrol and break up the crowds.

Democrats call for the defunding of police and dismantling of police departments — but then turn to law enforcement to launch secret surveillance investigations inside Catholic churches to root out perceived terrorist tendencies.

Democrats call for violence against MAGA hat wearers; against Trump campaign and White House officials; against conservatives who dare to openly support an America First agenda, all in the name of rooting out racism and intolerance and bigotry and ignorance — and then ignorantly pat themselves on the back when they do things like scream irrationally at conservative speakers on college campuses to the point of shutting down the event, after which they praise themselves as defenders of a morally righteous cause.

Democrats are the ones shouting about court officials reaping whirlwinds for their votes; Democrats are the ones applauding district attorneys who don’t enforce laws but rather free the guilty.

Democrats are the ones pushing chaos and confusion; Democrats are the ones demanding that boys can be girls; Democrats are the ones allowing smash-and-grab operations at retail in their jurisdictions.

Democrats are the ones who’ve been behaving like lawless Marxists for years.

Now comes the next presidential election — filled with Democrat cries about Trump corruption and Trump scandal and Trump treachery and Trump [fill in the blank]. None of it’s true. None of the charges are based on truths. But the Democrats have the media in their pockets, so truth doesn’t matter.

What does matter to Democrats is stewing division and stoking discord and cracking the nation into as many pieces as can be picked up and carted off to China. And then — as in the way of Dr. Anthony Fauci declaring he has nothing to do with policy and lockdowns, but rather only science — declaring in the ensuing violence that finally erupts: It’s Trump’s fault! It’s the MAGAs! It’s the conservatives, and all their racist, White supremacist, misogynist comrades — they’re the cause of the violence.

What do Democrats really expect when they float ideas such as some states may move to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024? 

“If these tactics [indictment after indictment after indictment] end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballot rather than bullets,” Huckabee said on his show, The Hill reported.

Could be.

The American people can only take so much deception and attack and weaponization of tax-paid federal authorities before they say enough’s enough.

America is a simmering pot right now, split largely by Democrat design — and in the middle stands Trump.

A Democrat-run operation to remove his name from ballots, or prevent his campaign from moving forward, won’t sit well with patriotic Americans. And consider this: Since patriotic Americans are also very often legal gun carriers, legal firearms’ owners, legal concealed carriers — perhaps Democrats might want to rethink and reevaluate the logic of that particular election strategy. On election interference, it’s time for Democrats to stop.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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