- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 7, 2023

Cue “Twilight Zone” music. Imagine, if you will, a president worse for America then Joe Biden.

If the face of Michelle Obama is what you see — be afraid. Be very afraid. 

“I’ve been following the Obamas for years and I noticed some years ago,” said Joel Gilbert, author of a new book on Michelle Obama, “Michelle started following the exact same formula Barack had when running for president.”

Wouldn’t the Democrat Party love if she ran.

As for Americans — as for all of America — MO might be worse than even Biden when it comes to taking the nation down a path of far-leftist politicking. In fact, she’d be her husband — only more so. She’d have not just the race card to throw. She’d have the gender card. 

Think of how the Democrats would accuse anyone who opposed her Barack-like brand of globalism and anti-Americanism; think of how the fawners in the media would rush to her defense.

Tune in for more with Obama researcher Joel Gilbert — and don’t forget to subscribe to Bold & Blunt so you won’t miss all the great guests!

* Bold and Blunt is available at The Washington Times, at Real Life Network, at the Christian podcast Edifi app, through Apple — basically, wherever podcasts are available.

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