- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the now-retired face of federal COVID policy, has come forth in recent days to suggest, while denying he’s suggesting, that Americans may be forced back into mass face masking once again.

The nation’s leading liar has risen.

He’s the king of obfuscation. He’s the master of deception. He’s the man of two faces and forked tongue who spent the better part of the last few years hopping from one media outlet to the next, inflicting nonscientific, nonsensical, non-American calls for government controls on the people that did zero to stop the spread of COVID — ‘cause they weren’t actually designed to stop the spread of COVID. They were designed to control the people.

Any American who is fooled by this liar is an American who should hand over his or her citizenship card. Any doctor or medical professional who fails to fight the Fauci faux science is a doctor or medical professional who does not deserve to hold a license. To support Fauci is to hate truth, to hate individual choice, to hate even freedom — which is to say, to hate America. 

Here’s a taste of his latest deliberately unclear bits of bewilderment — the better to fool the masses, dontcha know: “I am concerned that people will not abide by [masking] recommendations,” he said in an interview on CNN.

Why should they?

Face masks don’t do anything to curb the spread of COVID. Never have; never will. Fauci himself once acknowledged that truth — that is, before he didn’t. And just because now there’s a new study, a real study, a study that is actually based on facts and data and truth instead of easily manipulated randomized controlled trials — just because this new fact-based study shows exactly what those with brains already knew about face masks and viruses — well, just because of that doesn’t mean Fauci’s going to change bleating tunes now.

There are too many sheep in the fold who will still listen to him.

More of his wicked wordplay: “We’re not talking about mandates or forcing anybody, but when you have a situation where the volume of cases in society gets to a reasonably high level, the vulnerable, the elderly, those with underlying conditions are going to be more susceptible, if they do get infected, of getting severe disease leading to hospitalization,” Fauci said on CNN.

He’s at it again.

A “reasonably high level” is not science. It’s a tool for an evil scientist to use to foster fear, stoke fright and ultimately, exert controls.

And laying the groundwork for the healthy in America to — once again! — adopt certain unnecessary pseudo-medical practices and behaviors, like face-masking, to save the vulnerable, save the elderly, save the sick from suffering is just another way of moving America away from a path of individualism and down a dark, gloomy road of collectivism.

Sick people can stay home. That’s how it usually works.

Those afraid of getting sick can stay home, too. Or, they can stop eating crap for food and get daily exercise and boost their immune systems the natural way — that’s called personal accountability and responsibility. They can stop engaging in unhealthy behaviors and habits that leave them just one wayward sneeze from hospitalization and medication. Just sayin’. We’ve all seen them.

Listening to Fauci on best medical management practices is about as rational as listening to Hunter Biden teach Drug Abuse Resistance Education, or DARE, programs in elementary schools: In one ear — and out the other.

Fauci has neither credibility as a medical professional nor love for America, and that makes him a dangerous enemy of freedom. He’s busily making media rounds again, teeing up the fear and faked science to make smooth the road for globalists, leftists and Democrats and anti-America bureaucrats with communist China-loving ways to once again lockdown the nation, nay the world.

To let his lies go forth again will be the doom of America the free.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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