- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 28, 2023

Democrats aren’t satisfied with taking Donald Trump to court amid his campaign for president, and a la desperate Hail Mary-ish, slamming him with dozens of different federal and state charges that have the curious common denominator of smelling like the stuff that comes out the back end of a bull.

No. They’re not satisfied with the multitude of felony charges or with the criminal charges from Georgia — that have roped in 18 Trump associates as well — or with the New York charges on his business records. Nope. Now they need to make sure Trump can’t talk about these charges.

Democrats want to slap gag orders on Trump so that while campaigning, he doesn’t make any statements that might, well, truthfully speaking, show his innocence.

Nothing like an innocent defendant to muck up a good politically weaponized attack.

“Judge overseeing case to remove Trump from 2024 ballot issues protective order amid fear of threats, intimidation,” PBS wrote on Sept. 22.

The story started like this: “The Colorado judge overseeing the first significant lawsuit to bar … Trump from the state’s 2024 presidential ballot … issued a protective order prohibiting threats and intimidation in the case, saying the safety of those involved — including herself and her staff — was necessary as the groundbreaking litigation moves forward.”

Isn’t that special.

District Judge Sarah B. Wallace is concerned about safety, so she implements a crackdown on free speech, ostensibly aimed at keeping those dastardly Trump types from stalking her staff and bullying her family and calling out the base to get them in the streets, go after them in the restaurants, track them to their homes and unleash whirlwinds — oh, wait, that’s Democrats. Those are Democrat ways; those are how Democrats handle dissenters and dissension and dissidents of the leftist ideology.

Tra la la.

No matter.

“I 100 percent understand everybody’s concerns for the parties, the lawyers, and frankly myself and my staff based on what we’ve seen in other cases,” Wallace said.

Democrats do always do that of which they themselves are guilty. Example, please?

Antifa types and Black Lives Matter radicals only get by with throwing their Molotov cocktails and taking over entire street corners because Democrats allow them to and their friends in the media cover up what they do — then they hunker together and fine-tune their messaging and blame conservatives and Republicans and mostly, Trump MAGAs, for creating violence in the streets.

Tra la la.

Trump, sit down and shut up — that’s the official Wallace ruling.

It’s the one crazy-eye Jack Smith is going for, too. Special counsel Smith has asked the court for a gag order against Trump to get him to shut up about the Jan. 6 charges he faces. And Team Trump, rightly so, is fighting back.

“At bottom,” Trump’s attorneys wrote, “the proposed gag order is nothing more than an obvious attempt by the Biden Administration to unlawfully silence its most prominent political opponent, who has now taken a commanding lead in the polls.”

No doubt.

No duh, in fact.

Anyone who denies the political weaponization of the federal and state law and legal forces against Trump is a) a Joe Biden supporter or b) blind.

Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of charges brought by party players of the sitting president who stands to go down in flames against Trump in 2024 — and charges, too, that were curiously held until campaign season reared its head — and accompanied by Democrat catcalls for gag orders and most recently, leftist quests to remove him from the ballots, citing 14th Amendment resurrection crimes he’s not yet been found guilty of committing: Hmm. Things that make you go hmm.

Trump’s lawyers are working hard to object to the madness of this legal route — to the use of the 14th Amendment and First Amendment as political weapons.

But check out the polls; Trump is double-digits ahead of everybody. It seems voters are working just as hard to make clear a tyrannical government in America will not be tolerated.

Tra la la, Democrats.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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