- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 27, 2023

California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a handful of new gun control measures, including one that makes life harder for concealed carriers and another that adds taxes to the price of firearms and ammunition.

Yeah. That oughta keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and decrease the number of gun-related acts of violence in the state.

This is how we know Democrats aren’t truly interested in curbing crime so much as seizing Second Amendment rights from law-abiding Americans: They always bring the gun control legislation that punishes lawful carriers while allowing criminals to roam the streets. If Democrats truly wanted to stop gun-related violence, they’d boost police budgets; fight to tighten borders; increase jail sentences for gang members and drug dealers; clean up the homeless and drug-addicted people infesting city streets; and talk about the problem of fatherless homes, broken homes, wayward children raised in unfortunate circumstances — and offer solutions on those topics. But they don’t.

They don’t — because gun control to Democrats is about taking from those who need no government controls in the first place, so as to embolden those with criminal intents.

How will this new law raising the concealed carry permit age to 21 and banning concealed weapons from more public places lower gun-related criminal incidences? It seems more a tip-off to criminals than a preventive measure.

How will a hike in the cost of firearms via additional taxes stop criminals from obtaining firearms? It seems more a financial burden to lawful buyers than a stumbling block to gang members.

Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel, who brought the tax bill to the governor’s desk, said the extra money raised from gun sales will go toward gun violence prevention programs; will provide health care to gun-related crime victims; and will help with the costs associated with court cases dealing with gun violence.

Feds already tax guns and ammo to the tune of 10% or 11%, with revenues going toward conservation and hunting programs. California’s new tax — the first of its kind for any state — will add another 11% to the purchases.

“If we can have a tax to protect wildlife,” Gabriel said, The Hill reported, “we can have one that protects people.”

Thing is: Controlling law-abiding citizens’ access to guns doesn’t make criminals go away. It emboldens them. Preventing lawful carriers from concealed carrying in public places doesn’t stop the criminal element from carrying into those public places. It entices them. Nothing like easy prey.

And nobody understands those commonsense principles like the very Democrats who push for gun control legislation — all the while working behind well-guarded walls, traveling with well-armed security teams, and living within well-secured communities. Even Democrats don’t feel protected by their gun control legislation and laws.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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