- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 26, 2023

MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough — who used to be a Republican, remember — snarked at a new Washington Post poll showing Donald Trump would handily beat Joe Biden for president, and said when he heard the news he “literally started laughing out loud.”

He shouldn’t laugh.

Democrats, after all these years, still don’t get Trump. At this point, they never will. They’re hopeless.

The poll put Trump ahead of Biden by 9 points. To that, Scarborough said, “Biden, always underestimated his entire life, always mocked and ridiculed and [yet] the guy somehow keeps winning — so that’s why when I see a poll like this … I literally started laughing out loud.”

How enlightening.

The reason Biden’s mocked and ridiculed is because he makes constant missteps, misstatements and flubs. His friends call them gaffes; his more truthful critics call them lies, fabrications, fancies of the imagination, revelatory hints at his inner discriminatory and racist nature, and outright inappropriate physical handling of little girls and women. Potatoes, potahtoes.

But Biden’s survived in the political world not so much because he’s a go-getter, or that he’s a go-to for intelligent solutions, or that he’s a savvy strategist or model of principle and class. He’s survived because he’s proven himself as a useful tool for the left, a loyal soldier who doesn’t mind shifting stances for political expediency’s sake. They called him a centrist — meaning, he’d move with the flow.

There’s a reason Pew Research, way back in September of 2012, found those offering a single word to describe Biden responded with a negative 38 percent of the time, versus positive, 23 percent. Among the negatives? That he was an “idiot,” an “incompetent,” “stupid” and a “clown.” The highest number — 43 percent — went to those who called Biden “good.” That’s sort of like being asked how your day is going and responding with the first word that comes to mind: good. The second most frequent response, with 40 percent, was “idiot.” 


So back to Scarborough, a former Republican congressman from Florida.

“Biden’s not going to lose by 9 points,” he said, The Hill reported

Because — of his many successes? Ahem. Afghanistan is still an utter devastation, with death counts that continue to scream for accountability from this administration and with horrific consequences from the botched withdrawal that keep on ticking. Just ask any woman in Kabul’s streets today. Oh wait, they’re probably not allowed in the street.

“Two years after the Taliban seized power, Afghan women say their rights have been wiped out and futures stolen,” CNN wrote in August.

Similarly, Americans’ savings accounts about the Biden economy. And the hits seem to keep on coming.

“Defeating inflation without higher unemployment is still unlikely,” CNN just wrote.

Perhaps that’s why elites are making such a show of late of a universal basic income — and of central bank digital currencies, two manners of controlling the spending habits of consumers while simultaneously controlling the prices of products and ultimately, the means of production and consumption. It’s what the globalists want; what they really, really want. And Biden, too.

“Biden takes big step toward government-backed digital currency,” NBC News wrote in March 2022. “The Biden administration is throwing its support behind further study and development of what would be known as a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency.”

Then there are the open borders and daily deluge of illegals, bringing with them their demands for socialized government services; their fentanyl- and opioids-for-sale; their trafficking; their gang activities; their poor country ways and low skill abilities. If they were interested in assimilating and bettering America, not stripping America, they would come the legal route. But they don’t. They aren’t. And it’s creating massive chaos in communities that were never meant to serve as housing — like Logan Airport in Boston. 

Let’s not forget the crime.

“Migrant arrested 6 times for 14 crimes in first two months in NYC,” the New York Post wrote in early September.

And from Mayor Eric Adams — a Democrat: The migrant crisis “will destroy New York City.”

Chalk it up to another Biden success.

But if voters go back in time, to the 2015-2016 race for the White House, it’s just this issue, illegal immigration, that fueled Trump’s rise to the top. Then much to the dismay of leftists, Trump actually worked once in the White House to tighten borders, to keep out illegals, to protect the American people from those flowing into the country for no reason but to steal and murder and traffic and rape and exploit and degrade society. That’s why leftists ultimately hated him; that’s why Democrats who once loved to go to his parties and pretend to be his friend and long for his business acumen and to rub shoulders with his circle of rich — that’s why they turned on him with hate: Trump actually walked the America First walk.

He pulled America from anti-American global agreements. His policies bolstered the economy; boosted energy independence; buoyed American optimism. He moved the U.S. Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem; helped forge the Abraham Accords; messaged to the world that America’s allies, forgotten by the Barack Obama administration, would once again be protected. 

He made a mockery of the United Nations and Davos and other global elitist crowds by refusing to get in line with the globalist goal of controlling the world, and rather pushing his way to the front of staged photographs — messaging in the process, America First; America Always First.

Patriots didn’t worry about their Second Amendment rights so much under Trump.

Parents didn’t fear a rainbow flag at the White House would open the door to the mass LGBTQ sexual grooming of their children so much under Trump.

Church-goers didn’t concern themselves with a deep-state intelligence system flagging their Sunday worship as signs of terrorism so much under Trump.

My, how the times have changed.

From respect on the world stage under Trump, to jeering at the “just a puppet” Biden administration — my, how the times have very definitely changed. 

Nine percentage points sounds like a large win for Trump in the eyes of someone like Scarborough; in the minds of Democrats and globalists and leftists and the Marxists who’ve corrupted the Democratic Party. But for the rest of America, they’re wondering: only 9 points? They’re shaking their heads and asking themselves: Who are these 41 percent who still, after all this time, support Biden?

“I’m a little tired of three years hearing about how Joe Biden is going to get crushed,” Scarborough said.

Well. Not as tired as most Americans have been for three years living under the crushing weight of this failed Biden presidency. Not as weary as most Americans have been for eight years living with Democrats who cry and wail and scream about Trump, and refuse to open their eyes and see just why he is so embraced. by the people. It’s not hard. It just takes an attitude of loving America first.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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