- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Democrats have for years been on a warpath to control populations based on cries about carbon dioxide emissions and the need to save the planet from environmental degradation.

But are you aware of the genesis of this entire radical environmentalist movement?

Before Greta Thunberg — before Al Gore — before polar bears and hockey stick graphs and salamander populations that needed saving — there was World War Two. And from that, sprung a special brand of radicalism that used environmentalism to achieve a most wicked end.

Yes, the lies started that early.

“It’s pretty much all nonsense,” said Jerome Corsi, best-selling author who counts “The Truth About Energy, Global Warming, and Climate Change: Exposing Climate Lies in an Age of Disinformation,” among his titles.

“The entire movement,” he said, “the climate change movement, started after WW2 and it was basically a depopulation movement.”



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