- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 21, 2023

More than 45,000 have tried to cross into America from Mexico in the last five days, 10 News First reported. The mayor of Eagle Pass, Texas, Rolando Salinas Jr., has declared a state of emergency to deal with the illegals. And places thousands of miles from the border, from New York City to Logan Airport in Boston, have become overwhelmed by the open border policy of this Joe Biden presidency — the policy that puts illegals first, citizens second.

America is on the cusp of breaking.

America, as a free society, is at the point of dying.

Mathematically speaking, the nation cannot withstand the thousands-plus border crossings per day, per week, per month. Illegals who flock across the border aren’t the type of people who respect the basic principles of American Exceptionalism — that is, the concept of God-given liberties, the mindset of individualism over collectivism, and the insistence that government stay limited in power, serving only to uphold and protect the freedoms each and every citizen is granted by their Creator at birth.

No. The people crossing illegally are coming from countries where governments are corrupt, feckless, socialist-slash-communist in nature, and with populations driven by the belief that politicians are put in place to provide for all, cradle to grave. The illegals surging across the borders are not coming to melt into the pot and learn the American way, but rather to exploit a puppet presidency that is fueled by globalist designs to destroy this country, with open borders being one of the main means of destruction. The leftist logic is this: Overwhelm the systems; degrade the systems; destroy the systems; then rebuild and reshape the systems in a manner that benefits only the leftist elites.

What the Democrats want is a nation where the select few have total control over the masses.

What the globalists want is an even more select few exerting control over the world’s masses.

America has long been the stumbling block to the globalists because of that little thing called sovereignty, and American patriots have long been the stumbling block to the Democrats because of that little thing called God-given liberties.

In recent years, America is more secular. Fewer attend church. Fewer believe in God. Fewer look to the Bible for truth. Fewer take their moral compass from biblical principles. So naturally, by logical extension, the notion of God-given liberty has similarly degraded.

More and more have turned to government for solutions to what ails — demanding government provide solutions to what ails — and instead of that rugged independence that so marked American society and contributed to American entrepreneurial greatness, we now have open socialists serving in public office. What a disgrace.

What a shame.

And what opportunity for Democrats to exploit.

The open borders are the ultimate tool of destruction of America because once illegals come — they’re here. They demand services. They demand taxpayer-funded entitlements. They demand food and shelter and clothing and health care and the rights and privileges that are normally reserved to citizens — the ability to drive, the ability to vote, the ability to attend school and college and tap into grants and loans. Democrats demand taxpayers provide all this. And word goes ‘round the world that America’s borders are open and Americans pay for everything for those who come — so more come, more cross illegally, more demand more services, and communities are crippled.

The only way out of this mess is to mass deport those here illegally.

The only way to save America from sure societal, political and economic death is to scoop up illegals by the droves — men, women, children — ignore the cries of the open border enablers, close ears to the wailings of the elites in media and politics, shoot a middle finger the way of the bureaucrats in global governments (and in the Vatican) who will rail, and put legal citizens first: Deport.

Donald Trump, near-certain Republican nominee for president, promises to do just that.

“Following the Eisenhower Model,” Trump said at a speech in Iowa, Fox News reported, “we will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

Trump won in 2016 on a similar message, on similar promises, on similar vows of border control. 

And now, three years into Biden’s open borders, Trump’s got the winning message once again. The socialists and communists running this White House show may not acknowledge that truth — but that’s because they’re sheltered from the storm of illegals; they live behind well-protected, well-guarded, well-secured gates. 

Those who have to travel through Logan or work in New York City probably have a very different perspective.

The only way to save America is to not only get tough on borders, but also get tough on illegal border crossers. They’re not here legally; they have no interest in assimilating; they ought to be treated like the unwelcome intruders they are.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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