- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 21, 2023

President Biden announced a new $325 million military aid package to Ukraine on Thursday during a White House meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
The package includes air defense capabilities, anti-tank weapons, cluster munitions, and more artillery for the war against Russia, Mr. Biden said. Funds will also go to strengthen Ukraine’s infrastructure as winter fast approaches.

“The entire world has a stake in making sure that no nation, no aggressor is allowed to take a neighbor’s territory by force,” Mr. Biden said. “The American people will never waver on our commitment to those values.”
The package includes $128 million in new security assistance for Ukraine, as well as $197 million in arms and equipment in previously authorized drawdowns, according to the Biden administration.
It is the fourth aid package to Ukraine that the White House announced in the last six weeks. Since Russia invaded Ukraine last year, the Biden administration has provided $76 billion worth of humanitarian, financial and military support.

The package announced Thursday is separate from the $24 billion that the president wants Congress to approve for Ukraine. Included in that request is $13 billion in military aid.
Sitting across from his Ukrainian counterpart, Mr. Biden pledged that the U.S. will stand with the war-torn country no matter how long it takes.

“We stand with Ukraine and continue to stand with you, Mr. President,” Mr. Biden said. “We’re with you. We’re staying with you.”

Mr. Zelenskky responded with gratitude for the new aid.

“I thank the United States of America and Mr. President for the new defense package for Ukraine, a very powerful package. Thanks so much. And it has exactly what our soldiers needed.”

Ahead of the announcement, the two leaders met in the Oval Office and briefly spoke with the press.

Mr. Biden said no nation will be secure if the U.S. doesn’t help Ukraine defend itself against Russia, while Mr. Zelenskky hailed his “frank and constructive” dialogue with congressional leaders during a trip to the Capitol earlier Thursday.
The meeting was Mr. Zelenskyy’s second trip to Washington since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. His visit on Thursday was much more muted than his November 2022 trip to the White House, in which he participated in a joint press conference with Mr. Biden

Recent polls show that a majority of Americans don’t support more taxpayer dollars going to Ukraine

• Jeff Mordock can be reached at jmordock@washingtontimes.com.

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