- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Dr. Ben Carson, in a speech at the Family Research Council’s Pray Vote Stand Summit, spelled out seven ways that communism has taken root and spread in America.

The seven probably could have been summarized by a single bullet point: by way of the Democratic Party.

Truly, today’s Democrats are communists in what they practice and preach. And they’re making massive headway into much of American society.

From Carson: Communists have pushed into America’s schools; have infiltrated the media; have dismantled the traditional family unit; and have separated the nation by class, race, sex and anything else that can be exploited for division to cause angst, anger and chaos.

Such is the way of the communists.

They want to pit everyone against each other and then, in the furor that results, swoop in and seize control all in the name of providing peace and stability and security for all.

It’s a lie.

And the counter to that lie is to remember that in America, it’s not the government that makes us great — it’s not the systems that hold us together — it’s not the man-made and manufactured models and structures and organizations that keep us exceptional.

It’s the Judeo-Christian founding.

The basis of American Exceptionalism is the idea that individuals are born with certain unalienable rights, that among those are the rights to pursue life, liberty and happiness and that governments are only instituted among the people to preserve and protect the natural birth rights of the individual.

And — founders also told us — it’s the responsibility of the people to take action and boot out governments that don’t abide by those basic principles, that basic ideal, that most basic of viewpoints: God-given individual liberties.

So here we are in America, at a crossroads.

Government has deemed itself the master and the people the slave; government bureaucrats have recognized their own minds and wills as the fabricators and dictators of freedoms — to give and take and dole as they desire.

Bureaucrats have seized what’s not theirs to seize.

Communists have come and conquered the God-given.

As Carson said, The Christian Post reported: “You know what it’s going to require for us to get back on the right track? … It’s going to require us to understand what our history is. This is a country that was founded on Judeo-Christian values and principles. Our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, says that our rights come from God and not from government. If our system is going to be fixed, it is going to be we the people.”

Yes. We the people — and a whole lot of grit.

The government has gotten its way for far too long, and power, once tasted, is tough to let go. Democrats — progressives — socialists — communists — Marxists — they’re all one and the same; they’re all collectivists; they’re all opponents and enemies of individualists — and they’ve all tasted the power that comes from a cowed Christian base and cowering, frightened mass. They’ve come out of the corners and gone on the march. With puppet Joe Biden at the presidential helm, they’ve been able to shut down entire economies, schools, communities, churches, all the while forcing into the arms of unwilling Americans untested medical treatments with unknown long-term effects. And they’ll do it again, if Americans let them.

In fact, they are doing it again. Just look at that guy walking down the street by himself wearing a face mask for no good scientific, reasonable reason except that he’s been conditioned to fear and obey. That’s the sign of a fallen free society.

That’s the sign of a society that’s been totally turned toward government as the master, and away from God as the sovereign.

Thus, the solution is this, and only this: America must turn back to God or else face demise. A nation born on a principle of God-given individualism and buoyed by the idea that rights come from God cannot stay individualist in nature and free in spirit if God is pushed to the side.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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