- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The United Nations is hosting a meeting this month in New York to advance its Sustainable Development Goals — the global entity’s pet project to take over governance of just about every topic that touches human life, from drinking water to farming food to going to school. But it’s the planned health care and pandemic talks that ought to raise eyebrows most.

Control the health care; control the people. And that’s exactly the course the United Nations is plotting.

“The UN High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR) presents an opportunity for Member States to further mobilize political momentum, including through the integration of a multi sectoral approach towards pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, given the multifaceted consequences of pandemics,” the World Health Organization wrote on its website, in typical globalist jargon.

What it all means is this: WHO, the U.N., the World Economic Forum and other heads of bureaucratic states are trying to take over health care and health emergencies by creating a treaty that gives a select and carefully chosen few the power to lock down the entire world — including America.

They have a draft of this treaty.

It’s called the “Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” 

And like their meeting announcements, this document is filled with long-winded and bureaucratic statements that on the surface, seem somewhat tepid in terms of taking power from the people, but on closer reading, alarming. What these global pinheads want is the power to declare health emergencies wherever they deem; to define health emergencies how they want; and to force citizens around the world  — you, me, everybody — to respond to these declared emergencies however they determine as necessary. And your little dog, Toto, too.

The real peril isn’t even so much that the global forces are taking up the matter for discussion. It’s the United Nations; tearing at the fabric of America’s sovereignty is what they do, after all. No surprise there.

The greater peril is that the United Nations is taking up this matter at a time when Joe Biden, puppet president, is in office and in a position to do some real damage to America. The Senate, controlled by Democrats, is the entity that ratifies treaties. The president is the one who signs them into power.

Put it this way: If Donald Trump were in the White House, the United Nations probably wouldn’t even hold this high-level meeting on pandemic prevention and control because they would know it would fall on deaf ears in America. And without America, why bother?

America is the country with the God-given individual liberties; the nation that’s been the insurmountable wall for so many of the global governments’ designs. Remove that wall, though, and globalism glides right into existence.

Biden is already a big believer of the curbs on the Constitution.

“No amendment — no amendment to the Constitution is absolute,” Biden said in April of 2021, in a speech on gun control.

He’s already on board with the notion of government determining who gets, who gives, who must give up completely for the collective to thrive.

Wear a face mask, he said — “it’s a patriotic responsibility, for God’s sake,” he said in April 2021.

Wear a face mask, he said — “it’s a manifestation of God’s commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves, so we can save lives,” he said in October 2020.

All about the state.

Less and less about the individual.

Nothing about the God-given rights.

This is a presidency that would sell us down the river in a Chinese second if it meant strengthening the global governments while simultaneously weakening American Exceptionalism.

The fact that the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the Great Reset-ting World Economic Forum are not only aware of that, but taking as much advantage of that as possible — quick now! Before a Republican is elected; before Trump wins a second term — is all the more chilling because it means the enemies of freedom are desperate to rush through whatever they can in the coming months.

They don’t have time to slow-walk their agenda.

It’s all hands on deck — all puppet strings pulling on Biden.

If we don’t want a world where the tyrants and communists of global entities tell us what chemicals to put in our bodies as conditions of traveling, doing business, visiting church, attending school and simply strolling along sidewalks — then pay attention close to this September General Assembly summit.

From it could come the big boot on America’s face of freedom.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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