- The Washington Times - Friday, September 1, 2023

Donald Trump said in a series of videos on Truth Social that Americans “will not comply” with any new political push for national lockdowns on schools, businesses, churches, society, and moreover, he would “use every available authority” in his second White House term to cut federal funding for “any school, college, airline or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or vaccine mandate.”

Yes. This is music to patriots’ ears. Trump gets the meaning of God-given liberties, the root of American Exceptionalism.

And any politician who gets that is a politician who deserves Americans’ votes.

“The left wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back Covid lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming,” Trump said.

He went on: “Gee, whiz, you know what else is coming? An election. They want to restart the Covid hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election.”

How very 2020.

Democrats, never ones for creativity, have seen the Covid playbook at work; have seen the Covid lockdowns at play; have seen the Covid chaos as big bureaucratic wins — and like monkeys that have tasted bananas for the first time, are now clamoring for more, more, more. If one face mask works, two work even better — it’s common sense. If one lockdown works, two work even better — it’s Democrats on demon juice. So goes the lunacy of the left.

The only thing Americans have to fear is fear itself.

If Democrats are able to sell the same level of fear they did with Covid 1, then America is doomed to repeat the utterly devastating consequences of Covid 1 Lockdowns. Freedoms will be stripped. Liberties will be seized. Once again, elections will be stay-at-home, rife with corruption. Once more, globalists will carry the Great Reset day, cripple the Constitution and destroy American capitalism. Yay, Team Chine. Go, Team Communists.

But: If Americans keep cooler heads and see the politics — smell the evil — whiff the devilish designs — behind the Democrats’ calls for face masks, shots, social distancing, stay-at-home orders, then a repeat of the first Covid clamps on liberties will be impossible. Logic and reason will prevail; Anthony Fauci and his sly mannerisms and obfuscating ways will be dismissed as Not Science; Bill Gates and his band of merry mask-pushing madmen at the World Health Organization will be told to sit down and shut up and treated like the petulant control-freaking children they mimic.

Americans, as Trump said, “will not comply.”

The whole attitude behind that promise comes from this basic ideal: In America, rights come from God, not government. In America, government is subservient to the people. In America, government only exists to preserve and protect the rights the citizens are born with — the God-given liberties. After all, there is no fear in faith.

And lookie here, consider this. In America, it’s not even a matter of ‘we will not comply.’

It’s a matter of ‘we don’t have to comply.’ 

The first seems rebellious; the second is a statement of fact. 

But because America has already complied once — because Americans have already shown a willingness to comply; a willingness to obey; a willingness to abandon individualism for the collective, based on fear and more fear — because Americans have already caved on all these counts and shut schools, businesses churches, then it’s sad but true: We have to start with the rebellious approach.

We have to get back to the time when God-given rights were a given — as natural as breathing.

We have to stand up for rights that never should have been taken in the first place.

We have to do as Trump has promised: We will “not comply.”

Once the scales are balanced, and government is reminded of the power of the people, then the system of God-given rights that founders envisioned for America can be restored.

Trump is a solid leader for this charge. He recognizes the evil; he calls out the evil.

“These are bad people we’re dealing with,” he said. “But to every Covid tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words: We will not comply. So don’t even think about it. We will not shut down our schools, we will not accept your lockdowns, we will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.”

Amen to that. Trump 2024.

Still, let’s remember, Trump’s not the be-all and end-all of liberty. 

Americans must, as a nation, turn back to God and reawaken the churches and restore Judeo-Christian principles to their rightful roles in society — at the top, above government. That’s the only way to secure true liberty for the individual for the long term. 

Either rights are God-given — or we don’t have an America.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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