- The Washington Times - Monday, October 9, 2023

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Rarely in politics can a straighter line be drawn directly from an administration’s policies to the calamitous results of those policies.

President Biden opened the southern border. Historic waves of millions of illegals came streaming across the border.

President Biden launched a historic spending binge. Now, Americans are suffering under the highest inflation in 40 years.

On his first day in office, President Biden declared war on domestic energy production — and gasoline prices spiked to historic highs. Although those prices came down, they remained stubbornly high and are now inching back up under the president’s steadfast refusal to open access to oil and gas fields owned by American taxpayers.

As if high gas prices were not punishment enough, Americans also find themselves footing massive war bills as a further result of Mr. Biden’s ludicrous assault on the American energy industry.

Now comes another war — a direct result of Mr. Biden’s insane policies and profound stupidity  — that American taxpayers will pay for.

Bloodthirsty terrorists in Gaza fired a massive barrage of missiles over the weekend and invaded Israel. It was the largest incursion into the country in half a century. 

The terrorists slaughtered hundreds of innocent Israelis, including older adults waiting at bus stops, terrified families huddled in their homes, and revelers at a “peace” concert. They also took an undetermined number of civilians and soldiers hostage to use as human shields to protect their terror dens and stockpiles of weapons and ammunition they will use to kill more civilians.

In the aftermath of the savage attacks, the terrorists cheered and paraded through the streets of Gaza with live prisoners and the bodies of innocents piled in the beds of pickup trucks.

Two irrefutable data points became immediately clear even before the smoke cleared and the cheering stopped. 

First, the highly coordinated and meticulously planned attacks were carried out by terrorists funded by Iran, which joyfully proclaims its intent to kill innocent Jews and erase Israel from the map. Second, just a month ago, President Biden waived sanctions to allow $6 billion in Iranian funds to be wired to Qatar, one of Iran’s closest allies, for Iranian use.

Once again, a straighter line could not be drawn more directly between the Biden administration’s policies and the calamitous results of those policies.

Also remarkable was watching the political press come unhinged as they feverishly ran interference on behalf of the Biden administration to insist that the $6 billion Mr. Biden sent Iran had absolutely nothing to do with the images of bloodshed and smoldering ruins flashing across the screen.

Administration spokeswoman Katy Tur, who plays a journalist on TV for MSNBC, became hysterical Sunday morning as she lectured guests and viewers that there was no connection between the Biden cash for Iran and the reign of terror unfolding in Israel. That $6 billion, she insisted, was for “humanitarian” purposes only. You know, she said, like if people in Iran need “Band-Aids.”


Watching Ms. Tur cling to the administration’s dishonest talking points provided the only sliver of comic relief on a grim morning. But even that really wasn’t funny anymore. 

It is hard to say which is worse: Ms. Tur’s trying to minimize the malevolent policies of the Biden administration or her attempts to whitewash Iran’s involvement in funding terrorist attacks in which hundreds of civilians are slaughtered.

By midmorning, even the Biden administration had given up trying to deny that providing Iran with $6 billion in “humanitarian” aid would allow Iran to fund more terrorism from Gaza.

“Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken replied when asked directly if Mr. Biden’s $6 billion cash giveaway to Iran could be spent on more terror.

Sadly, the mere fact that I am writing this column is a victory of sorts for those who support Mr. Biden’s murderous policies. Having this whole, big navel-gazing discussion about the precise status of this particular bucket of money distracts from the much larger Biden agenda to hand the Middle East over to the most evil, bloodthirsty, bigoted tyrants — just as he has done at our own southern border.

So, Iran didn’t use THIS $6 billion for these latest attacks? Oh, they used the billions Mr. Biden gave to Iran the last time — much of it in unmarked U.S. bills that were saran-wrapped together on pallets delivered under the cover of darkness.

In other words, THIS $6 billion will be used to pay for the next terrorist attacks. Maybe those will be in Cleveland or Denver instead of Sderot.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times.

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