- Thursday, October 5, 2023

Conservatives feel isolated and intimidated on college campuses. New University of Chicago and Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research polling shows only 9% of respondents think conservatives can speak freely about their beliefs.

Recently, radicals at the University of Iowa tried to block Chloe Cole from speaking on campus by tearing down a sign promoting her upcoming lecture at the school on Oct. 16. Ms. Cole is a leading young voice in the movement to protect children from gender ideology and surgery.

This is the same campus where leftists tried to block Young America’s Foundation from bringing in conservative commentator Matt Walsh to screen his movie, “What Is a Woman?” Protesters poured thousands of marbles on the floor by the event and blocked one of the exits. The irony of the leftists literally losing their marbles was not lost on us all.

Radicals even shut down a talk about economics by Arthur Laffer. The 83-year-old professor and chief adviser to President Ronald Reagan is one of the most positive speakers on the circuit for Young America’s Foundation. Sadly, left-wing protesters took the microphone away from him before he could begin his lecture at the State University of New York at Binghamton.

The University of San Diego, which claims to be a Catholic institution, refused to allow Matt Walsh on campus. Isabella Sevilla, one of the liberal student senators who helped block the lecture, also helped bring a drag show to the campus.

Young America’s Foundation worked with the College Republicans bring Mr. Walsh to campus. Their president, Alyssa Jackson, appealed the student government decision and met with university administrators.

Ms. Jackson said she made the case that Mr. Walsh’s beliefs are in line with Catholic social teaching. She said that the assistant vice president for student life, Byron Howlett, told her that he does not agree with the Catholic Church and that Mr. Walsh’s “grossly offensive” beliefs would not be tolerated at their school.

Mr. Howlett continued: “The university is in full support of freedom of expression and freedom of inquiry, that’s the basis of a university, but it’s also a delicate balancing act because we have a duty to protect our community members as well. In that case, that usurps that freedom of inquiry and freedom of expression.”

In other words, leftists love free speech — except when they disagree with it. Then, they say that they are offended, and their feelings must be protected for their community to truly feel safe.

It’s no wonder a mere 9% of conservatives feel comfortable speaking their minds on college campuses.

Polling also shows 62% of Americans believe a major role of higher education is to support the free exchange and debate of different ideas and values. According to The Associated Press, “even more U.S. adults say college’s main purpose is to teach students specific skills (82%), advance knowledge and ideas (78%), or teach students to be critical thinkers (76%).”

At the same time, 66% said that “a major purpose is to create a respectful and inclusive learning environment.” About 40% said students should be permitted to invite academic speakers accused of using offensive speech, with 55% saying they should not.

This is important, as the left learned long ago the easiest way to silence critics is to call their arguments “offensive language.” This is free speech in word, but not action.

Liberals also control nearly all the means of shaping the discussion on campus. A recent Young America’s Foundation report, “Radical Reads,” found that only one conservative book was included in a review of 300 college reading programs.

Researchers examined the texts that were assigned or recommended by colleges and universities as part of a program called Common Reads by Penguin Random House. The company releases an annual report on the participating schools. The review found 142 liberal books on the list, 118 that were considered neutral, 39 that were unclear, and only one that was conservative.

Americans say they want free exchange and debate of different ideas and values. Many, if not most, on the left do not. Therefore, they control the flow of information to college students and then claim those who object are spewing language that is offensive.

The only diversity they do not celebrate is that of thought.

Free speech is a God-given right protected in the Constitution. It should be revered on college campuses. Yet this is where it is most under attack.

The most important battle for the future of our beloved republic is not happening at the ballot box in November 2024. It is taking place on campuses and in schools across our country every day. Make sure you are on the battlefield of ideas before it’s too late.

• Scott Walker is president of Young America’s Foundation and served as the 45th governor of Wisconsin.

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