- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Kevin McCarthy, ousted speaker of the House, blamed Democrats for his removal and said Nancy Pelosi didn’t honor a commitment to back him.

What’s that, Lassie? The Democrats acted deceitfully? 

And that right there is the reason McCarthy was ousted — and rightly deserves to be ousted. He refused to see Democrats as the political enemies they are.

An elected leader in the Republican Party in the House should not be making quiet, backroom, secret dealings with Democrats, no way, no how, in no shape or form. That’s a key reason the tea party came into being: Then-Speaker John Boehner kept cutting quiet deals with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling, raise the debt ceiling, raise the debt ceiling — driving America deeper and deeper into a financial hole all the while pretending to still be a conservative who cared about such things as limits on government.

It’s why then-Majority Leader Eric Cantor, widely considered the natural replacement for Boehner, lost his seat to then-Randolph Macon College professor and political unknown Dave Brat, in a race he ran with only about $200,000 to his name. Cantor, like Boehner, forgot his conservative roots — forgot the conservative voters who elected him to do the business of conservatives on Capitol Hill.

It’s why, truly, Donald Trump rose to prominence in 2015 and ran a political race few thought he could win — few, save for the many, many disenfranchised tea party types of the nation who once again were watching as Republicans cut deals with Democrats on, say, border control — can you say Gang of Eight? — at a time, again, when it wasn’t deals, but rather fights, the conservatives wanted from their political leaders.

Deal-making with Democrats only serves the political classes.

To voters across America who want their Republicans to go to Capitol Hill and do a Jimmy Stewart-Jefferson Smith in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” — it’s clear-cut betrayal. And soon enough, eventually, voters will have their say.

“McCarthy blamed Democrats for his ouster as speaker — arguing that they should have supported his remaining in the top role for institutional reasons,” NBC News wrote. “McCarthy said he had a discussion with former speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in the days he was trying to wrangle enough votes to get elected speaker. McCarthy claimed that Pelosi promised to support him if he faced a challenge.”

There’s the flaw.

Conservative voters care little for the institution when the institution isn’t working for them.

McCarthy forgot his voters; he forgot the conservatives. He figured he’d just do a quick deal with Democrats and all would stay calm on Capitol Hill. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida had other plans.

When will Republicans learn?

Democrats are not the GOP’s friends. Democrats will always put politics before principle — will always set wins as the priority, and pat themselves on the back for winning even if they had to tear down foundations and laws and order to achieve the wins. For Democrats, the end always justifies the means.

McCarthy’s fatal flaw was this: He chose Democrats.

It’s a good lesson for those Republicans still standing in office to quit the dealmaking with Dems and commit to fighting for true conservative principles: limited government, lower taxation, a budget that addresses runaway deficits — America first.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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