- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Donald Trump, amid running for president, has been gagged by leftists from speaking about the leftist attacks that have been fabricated by leftists working for the political party in charge that coincidentally, wink, wink, happens to be running a leftist campaign against him for the White House for 2024.

Truly. Democrats are Stalinists. 

Here’s the backstory: Trump, who’s running for president, has been fighting to run his campaign while at the same time defending himself in court against stupid charges pulled from thin air by Democrats seeking to keep his MAGA and America First policies from ruining their globalist and Marxist designs — the ones they’ve been so successfully able to spread under the puppet president called Joe Biden. They thought by tossing federal and state accusations his way, they would make voters flee. They expected allegations and scary, scary, scawwwy grand jury indictments would drive the deplorables off a deep cliff, deep into the hands of deep staters who could then drive nails into all those MAGA coffins and kill that dastardly pro-America spirit once and for all. But it didn’t happen. Plans didn’t go as planned. 

Trump’s poll numbers kept rising.

His rallies kept on packing.

He kept on talking — and talking — and talking — and talking about how the Democrats were wrongfully, politically, unconstitutionally using their positions of tax-paid humble services to go after opponents of the Biden administration, opponents of the Barack Obama globalism, opponents of the deep state-slash-CCP-loving-slash-World-Economic-Forum-fawning crowd. And that made all the Democrats sad.

So Democrats devised a strategy to shut him up. They got their minions in court to issue a gag order so he couldn’t defend himself against the lies they had made up to drag him into court. Then the Democrats got happy. Then Trump’s lawyers appealed. Then the judge lifted the gag order. Then the Democrats got sad again. Then the judge reimposed the gag order. And all the Democrats cheered and broke out their “Free Mumia Abu-Jamal” T-shirts and their “Clan Castro” pins and handed around little bobble-head Joseph Stalin plastic statues to mount on the dashboards of their black tinted-window, eight-cylinder SUVs, the ones for VIPs but not for thee, because of climate change, dontcha know. Viva la Politburo!

Trump, meanwhile, on gag-order loving U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan: “[She’s a] very Biased, Trump Hating Judge,” he wrote on social media.

And this: “This order, according to many legal scholars, is unthinkable! It illegally and unconstitutionally takes away my First Amendment Right of Free Speech, in the middle of my campaign for president, where I am leading against BOTH parties in the polls,” he wrote on social media.

And this: “Few can believe this is happening, but I will appeal. How can they tell the leading candidate that he, and only he, is seriously restricted from campaigning in a free and open manner? It will not stand,” he wrote on social media.

How can they do that?

It’s simple: Democrats are Stalinists. More and more Americans see that.

More and more Americans are awakening to the idea that hey, wait a minute, if they do this to Trump, think what they’ll do to me — and they’re wondering: Hmm, maybe Democrats really are the party of despicables after all; maybe voting Democrat isn’t such a great idea after all.

Trump will have his revenge.

“To stop the Marxist prosecutors who release rapists and murderers while persecuting Republicans, conservatives and people of faith like you,” he said, during his Iowa speech, The Hill reported, “I will direct a completely overhauled DOJ to investigate every radical DA and AG in America for their illegal, racist-in-reverse, enforcement of the law.”

And guess what: “On a ballot test with GOP frontrunner former President Donald Trump, Biden lagged behind with 35 percent of the vote and Trump [led] with 38 percent,” Newsweek just wrote. That’s just one in dozens that show Trump consistently besting Biden.

Try as the Democrats might, Trump will have his revenge — and so, too, will all patriotic Americans tired of the political weaponization of our government.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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