- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Within a week of Hamas terrorists attacking Israelis and brutally killing men, women, children and babies — and dragons some of them across the border to places unknown in Gaza — many in the media are already painting the aggressors as the victims.

This is horrendous anti-Semitism at its most dangerous.

U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, for instance, said this, at a recent meeting of the global governing entity in New York: “It is important to … recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.”

Meanwhile, down the road in Washington, D.C., ignorant college students projected pro-terror, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel messages on a George Washington University library — messages that read, “glory to our martyrs” and “free Palestine from the river to the sea.”

The rhetoric is dangerous.

It gives Jew-hating terrorists the cover they need to commit even more acts of terror against Israelis.

Gol Kalev, author of Judaism 3.0 and a resident of Israel, said the media has been a despicable enabler of the terror.

Without better reporting — without better journalists covering this war — it won’t be long before the entire world coalesces against Israel because it will be the Jewish people who will be painted as the evil, and Hamas as the force for liberty.

From Kalev: There is no moral equivalency that can drawn between Israel and terrorist Hamas — and journalists should not try to draw one in the name of unbiased coverage.

Tune in for this all-important chat with Kalev — and don’t forget to subscribe to more Bold & Blunt podcasts and videos!

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