- The Washington Times - Friday, October 20, 2023

Former President Donald Trump released a new ad Thursday that mocks former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by calling her a “genius” for her plan to “brainwash” voters into reelecting President Biden.

The ad, titled “Brainwashed,” makes a play on a comment Mrs. Clinton said in a CNN interview earlier this month calling supporters of Mr. Trump “cult members” who need to be “deprogrammed.”

“With Trump taking a commanding lead and Bidenomics hurting American families, genius Hillary Clinton has come up with a way for Biden to win,” the ad says.

The ad, posted on X by the Trump War Room, shows a black-and-white scene of people lined up and getting ready to be “deprogrammed” to vote for Mr. Biden as Mrs. Clinton is seen and heard repeating the phrase “deprogramming of the cult members.”

A man with a megaphone is saying phrases like “Joe Biden will defeat him” and “Forget Trump.” The man says, “This did not happen,” as he shows a clip of Mr. Biden falling on the stairs when boarding Air Force One.

Towards the end, a woman is seen running to the front of the line where she shows a clip where Mr. Trump says, “To American workers watching their take-home pay shrink and watching inflation destroy their family and their lives. To all of you. I have your back.” Those in line turn from black and white to color again as the clip cuts to Mr. Trump at a rally.

In the CNN interview, Mrs. Clinton predicts that Mr. Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee and that President Biden can beat him again.

“One will wreck our Democracy. One violates the law on a regular basis. One appeals to the worst in our collective psyche. The other gets things done,” she said “Why is that a hard choice?”

Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the Pro-Trump Make America Great Again political action committee, said at the time of the CNN interview: “President Trump has said countless times that they are only coming after him because he stands in their way from coming after you — and Hillary Clinton just confirmed that to be true. Tens of millions of Americans will reject the Democrat Party’s re-education camp agenda in November 2024 when we make Donald Trump the 47th president of the United States.”

• Mallory Wilson can be reached at mwilson@washingtontimes.com.

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