- Monday, October 2, 2023

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This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice Agreement and the ROK-U.S. alliance. On this occasion, I sincerely wish to express my deepest gratitude to the United States, Korea’s most pivotal ally, for its unwavering support that allowed South Korea to rise from the ruins of the Korean War. Without the steadfast alliance of the United States, Korea would not have achieved its current prosperity and prominence on the global stage.

Based on the ROK-U.S. alliance, South Korea has grown into a top 10 global economy, and culturally, it has become a top 5 powerhouse. With advancements in cutting-edge science and technology and the growth of industries like semiconductors, Korea has become a leading nation on the world stage. Along with Korea’s growth, the ROK-U.S. defense cooperation has also evolved. As we mark 70 years of the alliance, identifying new areas of cooperation in defense is crucial. I believe that the future lies in defense collaboration. Considering the alliance, advanced technological capabilities, and defense competencies of both countries, I am confident this is the best area for our joint efforts.

One of the most symbolic and successful defense collaborations between Korea and the U.S. is the T-50 advanced trainer aircraft, developed for training Korean Air Force pilots and alliance nation combat pilots. Initiated through a technology transfer from Lockheed Martin, this partnership has resulted in over 200 Aircrafts manufactured, now serving in the defense systems of countries such as Korea, Poland, Indonesia, the Philippines, Iraq, and Thailand. The T-50/FA-50 are ensuring global security in countries like Poland and Malaysia. These efforts are winning over nations from Chinese defense systems, planting the seeds of democratic defense systems instead. The T-50 and FA-50 maximize interoperability among democratic nations, facilitating joint operations and training. This fosters deeper cooperation, trust, and a sense of mutual responsibility and collaboration, promoting peace, security, and stability in the Korean Peninsula, the Indo-Pacific region, and globally.

For the past 70 years, the U.S.’s ironclad commitment to defending Korea and supplying major defense materials has been the foundation of Korea’s security and prosperity. Now, the ROK hope to contribute to U.S. security and prosperity by aiding in the training of U.S. pilots. Through our defense collaboration, I look forward to an even stronger ROK-U.S. alliance, vital in preserving and protecting a rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific for the next 70 years.

• Major General (Ret.) Shin, Kyoung Soo is the Secretary General of Korea-US Alliance Foundation (Former ROK Defense Attache to the U.S.A.)

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