- The Washington Times - Friday, October 13, 2023

Dylan Mulvaney is a male who pretends to be a female and who has so-honed his art of lying that the Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards in the United Kingdom just awarded him “Woman of the Year” status. That is a truth. He was given that award. 

Another truth? Dylan Mulvaney will always be a man, no matter how many awards he wins for womanhood, womanliness or woman-anything.

And that not only makes his award a lie — it makes his band of judges who voted for his award, a group of liars; his many, many supporters in the press and in the culture, a mass of liars; and his band of LGBTQ backers, a community of delusional liars.

“No matter how hard I try, or what I wear, or what I say, or what surgeries I get, I will never reach an acceptable version of womanhood [for] those hateful people’s standards,” Mulvaney said, of his detractors.

Yes, Mulvaney is semi-correct on that count — the part where he says some people will never accept him as a woman. That’s because some people don’t want to play into the lie. Some people are outright offended by the lie. 

Should men play women’s sports? Asked that question, Rob Gronkowski, former New England Patriots’ tight end, had this to say to Fox News: No. That’s stupid.

His exact words: “There’s really no thought to really even share. It’s the obvious. There are men’s sports for men; there’s women’s sports for women. It should just stay like that. It’s just as simple as that, man. There’s really no argument. There should really be no conversation about it,” Gronkowski said.

He’s quite right.

Only nowadays, the world’s been flipped and what’s normal has been sold as abnormal; what’s moral and right has been billed as immoral and wrong; what’s good and proper and godly has been twisted into evil and improper and wicked. And vice versa.

Nowadays, sane people everywhere are forced to argue and defend what should not have to be argued or defended — what should be obvious and tacitly accepted. The more America moves away from God, however, the more confusion and chaos reign.

And remember, the LGBTQ movement is, at its root, a rebellion against God.

It’s a campaign to completely buck the normal and traditional and biblical and truthful, and instead, follow the evil one and make way for all that’s wicked.

Out with God. In with satan. Out with laws and order, and orderly society. In with disorder and dissension and discord — the doorway for the evil one. The end game is to bring society to a time when humankind follows its own hearts and minds and desires and wills, which is to say — anything goes.

The Mulvaneys of the world may smile prettily and speak softly and seem very often, on surface at least, to be promoting a kinder, gentler, more tolerant and inclusive humanity. But their souls are dark. Their minds and ways of thinking are twisted. Their hearts are hardened to truths. They’re actually to be pitied, not patted on the head and praised.

They’re walking paths of utter deception and as the Bible teaches, in 1 Corinthians 6 and in Revelation, “the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God” — but rather “all liars” “shall have their part in the lake which burnets with fire and brimstone.”

What should be obvious is Mulvaney is a man and always will be. The fact that he’s just been awarded “Woman of the Year” underscores the wickedness of today’s culture.

It also shows the desperate need for Christians and those of biblical belief to stand tall and strong for truth — as a light — while simultaneously and compassionately praying for those deluded by LGBTQ lies to have the blinders removed.

God loves Mulvaney as much as He loves you and me. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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