Legend has it that Nero played his fiddle as Rome burned. In the modern era, Joe Biden most likely has been napping as America and the world spin into the abyss.  

In just two-and-a-half years, Biden has destroyed our military (with woke Critical Race Theory policies and absurd vaccine mandates), depleted our national oil reserves and given away much of our munitions. At the same time, he has enhanced the strategic military assets of Afghanistan — and probably China — by giving up our resources in Afghanistan (including Bagram Air Force Base) and releasing billions of dollars to Iran that will enable it to pursue more nefarious activities. John Kirby and Antony Blinken would have us believe otherwise, of course, but the American public is not buying it.

At a time when we need our first-string varsity team in action, we are getting the B team. We have a president who harps on white supremacy and climate change while America is being invaded in the south by millions of non-tax-paying illegals who will ultimately devastate our already overburdened economy.

In times of crisis, former President Trump stood at the forefront. Remember his daily sessions with the media, when he answered questions during the first weeks of the COVID-19 crisis? Biden, on the other hand, has been noticeably absent during crises until he absolutely has to come out for short, controlled sessions of comment to the press.

This administration is overwhelmed. Joe Biden and his cast of woke social-justice warriors should step down now.

Anniston, Alabama

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