While President Biden continues to focus on climate change, MAGA voters and parents at school board meetings, the border remains intentionally porous, with literally millions of immigrants having entered the country illegally on his watch (“Hamas attack puts new attention on terrorism at U.S. border,” web, Oct. 9).

And while the vast majority are likely coming here for a better life, it would be foolish to believe that bad actors and the nations supporting them haven’t taken advantage of this reckless and irresponsible border policy.

There are reports of Chinese men of military age crossing into America alone. Perhaps they are seeking asylum from the persecution and tyranny that are staples of communism. Or perhaps they are here for more nefarious purposes and ready to be activated should America consider a military response in the event China attacks Taiwan.

One can easily imagine Chinese President Xi Jinping calling Mr. Biden the day after Chinese forces move on Taiwan to warn him to stand down. Chinese cells are in America, ready to be activated. The real cost of Mr. Biden’s malfeasance will be borne by either the American people or people counting on America for support. 


Mount Vernon, Virginia

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