The Central Intelligence Agency — asleep in its mission of collecting, analyzing, evaluating and disseminating information — missed the high probability that Hamas and Hezbollah were about to attack Israel last weekend (“Hamas attack puts new attention on terrorism at U.S. border,” web, Oct. 9). 

Instead, it was focused on “wokeism,” critical race theory, transgender and gender-equity issues, et al., which has had a negative correlating effect on its ability to provide effective and accurate intelligence not only to the U.S. government, but to our close allies, such as Israel. The CIA blew it.

Given Israel’s religious holiday weekend and the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, the CIA should have been prepared for (and should have accordingly alerted the Israeli government of) the distinct prospect of coordinated attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah.

More egregiously, the seeds of this scheme to attack Israel, orchestrated by Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, were sown back in August — and the CIA should have known of the plan then. Again, the agency was derelict because it was too busy with its moronic emphasis on gay and gender-identification issues.

The Middle East and humanity are on the precipice of World War III thanks to the negligence of the CIA as an agency, and management’s failure to fulfill statutorily mandated duties. 


Terre Haute, Indiana

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