- Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Neville Chamberlain.

Joe Biden.

When a crisis erupts, priorities come into focus. As abhorrent terrorist attacks thrust the great people of Israel into war for the first time in 50 years, it is clear that President Biden’s priorities have produced historic failure.

It took less than 48 hours to uncover Iran’s role in the attacks on Israel, despite the White House’s claims of ignorance. While Washington fumbled around with preverbal “we can’t confirm” weasel words, Iranian leaders were expressing support for the brutality. Hamas terrorists confirmed they had the help and support of Tehran.

Apparently, both sides admitting their involvement isn’t proof enough for the Biden administration. The White House is clearly dragging its feet in getting to the truth because the administration is aware of its responsibility.

Many are rightfully asking how much Mr. Biden’s decision to deliver $6 billion to Iran played a role in the unprecedented attacks in Israel. After an inexcusable pause in condemning the attacks, the Biden spin machine and its loyal sycophants in the media rushed to issue red-faced denials.

The sad truth is that Mr. Biden turned a blind eye to Iranian oil sanctions that helped Tehran rake in the cash well before he handed them $6 billion.

In 2018, then-President Donald Trump exited the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran and reimposed sanctions on its oil. Mr. Biden, however, employed lax enforcement of those sanctions as Tehran worked with and sold its oil with the help of China and Venezuela. Mr. Biden’s move is so lucrative to Iran that its oil exports reached record highs in 2022.

All of this was done under the guise that Iran would be more open to negotiating a nuclear deal. Mr. Biden is so desperate to repeat former President Barack Obama’s failures that he allowed Iran to make untold billions from oil.

Mr. Biden’s negligent attitude toward Iranian oil had the added benefit of being politically convenient. As gasoline prices reached record levels at home, Mr. Biden rushed to Saudi Arabia to beg them to produce more oil and then made a dirty deal with Venezuela’s dictator for even more.

The administration knew more world supply of oil could help reduce prices and the ensuing political pressure. Sadly, the White House never once considered added oil production in the United States.

This is in addition to another tool Mr. Biden used to cover his political hide: our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Mr. Biden has drained the SPR more than any other president in history. It is at its lowest level ever, with estimates putting the reserve with only 17 days’ supply of oil left. It means the high energy prices our families are paying are likely to get much steeper.

Lastly, Mr. Biden has made his priorities clear. Less than a month before the horrific attacks on Israel and only one day before he would give Iran a $6 billion payday, Mr. Biden said: “The only existential threat humanity faces — even more frightening than a nuclear war — is global warming!”

Perhaps he should ask the people of Israel if they are worried about their carbon footprint today.

While the Biden administration barbecues its way through this crisis, its strongest statement is denying that the $6 billion handout to Iran as part of a prisoner swap was connected to the attacks. At no time will Mr. Biden or his advisers want to talk about the role their many other failures played in these bloody results.

Priorities matter, and this new war in the Middle East proves the Biden presidency isn’t just bad. It’s a historic failure.

• Larry Behrens is communications director for Power the Future and the author of a new book, “Sabotage: How Joe Biden Surrendered American Energy Independence.” He has also appeared on Fox News, Newsmax and One America News. You can find him on X @larrybehrens or email him at larry@powerthefuture.com.

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