- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 9, 2023

A very smart 15-year-old said during the height of the coronavirus lockdowns in America that face masking is like a small child hiding beneath a blanket as protection against a monster in the closet. In other words: Good luck with that.

And yet this, just posted by MSN — a Nov. 8 headline: “Bay Area reinstates COVID mask orders in healthcare settings. Will L.A. follow?”

To answer the question: Probably. On face masks, stupid is the order of the day. And in enclaves dominated by Democrats, leftists, liberals, progressives, Marxists — that is, most of California  — stupidity permeates.

“Most San Francisco Bay Area counties are reinstituting mask requirements among workers in healthcare settings, timed to coincide with the arrival of the annual respiratory illness season and an expected late-year resurgence of COVID-19,” MSN wrote.

Medical bureaucrats already have a number in mind to force the face masking again — and it’s just as random as a few years back. For instance, Dr. Muntu Davis with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said his office would need to see 20 or more new coronavirus-case-positive patients admitted to hospitals each week, per 100,000 residents. Do the math. That’s 40 hospital admissions of COVID-test positives per 200,000 residents; 60 per 300,000; 80 per 400,000. 

It’s laughably random. Why 20?

It’s hopelessly unscientific. Why per 100,000?

It’s egregiously deceptive. Face masks don’t work, repeat, face masks don’t work, repeat, face masks don’t work. And by work, it’s meant they don’t stop the spread of the coronavirus, or of any virus, in communities at-large. Why? Because people don’t live in a surgical room at the hospital where face masks are tied on a doctor’s face by a nurse, and they’re never touched, never pulled down, until the operation is complete, after which they’re tossed in the trash. Most people toss their face masks in the glove box, pull them out when they enter a store, hang them off an ear while chatting on the phone, wear them with gaps by their cheeks, by their nose, maybe even pull them beneath their noses. They toss them in their pockets and pocketbooks to eat, then yank them out, dust off the dirt and throw them back on their faces again.

Most people wear them as shows of compliance, obedience, or fake compassion for others.

Data say this, data say that — data be danged. The data are corrupted, skewed, falsified, incomplete, absent context, politicized, and pushed to promote a regulatory control narrative.

Common sense will tell you the face masks are worthless at curbing a virus.

Yet in Mendocino County, north of the Bay Area, a mask order will take effect on Nov. 24 and extend through April 30, 2024, for health care workers, and then in the following years, beginning on Oct. 1.

Why Nov. 24 — not 25? Why next year will the mandate take effect on Oct. 1, not Nov. 24?

It’s that famous Science, Not Science of the Democrats surfacing once again.

“Epidemiology has taught us that well-fitted, high-quality masks are very effective for protecting patients from infection … as the infections are prevented at the source, and for protecting the wearer,” the Mendocino County’s health order reads, MSN wrote.

Fire those health department employees and get somebody in the job who values common sense.

Forced face masking is making a comeback.

The idea is to condition Americans to believe face masks can stop diseases of the air, so that globalists, bureaucrats and Marxists, Democrats and the like can carry out the next phase of the coronavirus clamps on freedom, the ones tied to the Great Reset, the ones the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab has already tied to climate change. Imagine the powers that could be seized by telling Americans that pollution levels are so bad, they’re advised, nay, strongly recommended, nay, required to wear face masks? It’s for your health, you see. It’s because the air’s so polluted, you see.

It’s a slow brainwash, you see.

Americans should fight the stupid now — before the stupid leads to more mandates and we’re back at social distancing, business-shuttering, school-shutting, church-closing Covid Square One once again. Only this time, it’ll all be for climate change mitigation.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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