- Wednesday, November 8, 2023

I am a proud American Jew and a Zionist. I have been politically active my adult life, from serving in the White House under a previous Republican Administration to supporting many pro-Israel candidates and organizations and most recently becoming the youngest board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition.

I watched as my father served as Chairman of the United States Holocaust Museum. Most importantly, I am married to an Israeli. We signed our ketubah in the same room that David Ben Gurion signed Israel’s Declaration of Independence in Jerusalem. Israel holds a special place in my heart.

On October 7th, my wife and I watched with horror, anger, and sadness, as the innocent Israelis were brutally slaughtered by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists. And then, on October 8th, the deep-rooted antisemitism that long existed in our country reared its ugly head. We struggled with what to tell our children, who are only eight and four. We debated whether we should remove our mezuzah. For the first time in our lives, we felt scared to be Jews. While many political leaders expressed their strong support for Israel and the Jewish people, one in particular showed absolute moral clarity and truly met the moment with decisive action – Governor Ron DeSantis
Mr. DeSantis immediately went to work the moment he heard the terrible news. He reached out to Israel, offering Florida’s assistance and directed the relevant agencies to increase security at Florida’s Jewish communities. At Mr. DeSantis’ direction, memos and guidance were issued to law enforcement, including information on additional tools in a new law recently signed by Governor DeSantis enhancing criminal penalties for antisemitic crimes.

State attorneys were also reminded to hold accountable anyone to the fullest extent of the law. Law enforcement was instructed to increase presence at synagogues, Jewish Day Schools, and other Jewish institutions that remain on high alert. And Mr. DeSantis condemned the pro-Hamas rallies while boosting law enforcement protection at pro-Israel rallies. As a result of Mr. DeSantis’ leadership - there have been a number of arrests in communities and on college campuses in addition to arrests of reprehensible Neo-Nazis over the last few months.

Florida colleges and universities and campus security also received guidance to protect Jewish students. Mr. DeSantis was the first Governor to issue a directive terminating student chapters of the National Students for Justice in Palestine (National SJP) – ensuring their poisonous hatred is no longer spewed in Florida. 
On October 10th, Mr. DeSantis visited the Shul of Bal Harbour, Florida, to reaffirm his support for Israel and proposed the strongest state-level sanctions on Iran. While President Joe Biden appeases Iran – refusing to even properly blame Iran for orchestrating Hamas’ attack –Mr. DeSantis announced he would stand up to Iran. 

As it became clear Mr. Biden was leaving Americans behind in Israel who wanted to return to America and U.S. citizens were told to pay for their own travel, Mr. DeSantis acted. On October 12th, he signed an Executive Order to authorize his own emergency passenger planes that covered the costs for over 700 mainly Floridians to return to America. The Executive Order also initiated organizing multiple cargo planes with key supplies, including drones, personal protective gear such as helmets and bulletproof vests, and medical supplies, from the State of Florida and Floridians that were brought to Israel

Finally, Mr. DeSantis initiated a special legislative session to not only enact the strong Iran sanctions but also provide an additional $25 million in security funding for Jewish Day Schools and authorize a new state-level program with $10 million to provide religious institutions, including synagogues the opportunity to receive security funding as well.  

Mr. DeSantis has also led the presidential field in establishing strong positions. He was the first candidate to oppose U.S. tax dollars for assistance to Gaza that will benefit Hamas. He was the first presidential candidate to reject accepting refugees from Gaza to the U.S., making it clear people with anti-Semitic, anti-American, or other toxic views shouldn’t be admitted that would further increase antisemitism.

He was the first presidential candidate to call for revoking visas of individuals, including foreign students who have been praising Hamas, while also promising to withhold funding from colleges and universities that promote antisemitism. He reaffirmed his long-held position America must end funding to anti-Israel UN entities, including the UNRWA, UN Human Rights Council and UNESCO. In fact – he was the first presidential candidate to announce it is time to defund the U.N. 

Having been involved in campaigns most of my life as a Republican bundler, supporter, and donor, I have seen candidates talk the talk. But few have shown how they would lead a global crisis in the middle of a campaign, as we have seen from Governor DeSantis over the past four weeks.

As the Left fails to condemn and control antisemitism in their own party, in our communities and college campuses, as the chants “from the river to the sea” get louder supporting the destruction of Israel, and as posters of kidnapped innocent Israelis are ripped down, we have an opportunity to meet the moment. It will take someone with political courage and a deep, unshakeable conviction to deliver real results. That is Ron DeSantis, and he is the right person to serve as our next Commander in Chief.   

  • Jay Zeidman is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Altitude Ventures, a private investment firm. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Republican Jewish Coalition and is a Commissioner for the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission. 

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