- The Washington Times - Sunday, November 5, 2023

Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds will endorse Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the GOP presidential nomination on Monday, despite previously saying she would remain neutral in the primary. 

The two governors will hold a Des Moines rally Monday evening at 6pm CST, kicking off their official alliance, a move that quickly drew the ire Sunday of the campaign of former President Donald Trump. 

Kim Reynolds apparently has begun her retirement tour early as she clearly does not have any ambition for higher office,” a Trump campaign statement said. 

The campaign also highlighted an internal poll showing that 72% of respondents would not be swayed in the Iowa caucuses by Ms. Reynolds’ endorsement of Mr. DeSantis

Mr. Trump, who continues to dominate Republican primary polls, beefed with Ms. Reynolds over the summer for her neutral stance at the time. 

On Sunday, the former president made several posts at his Truth Social website about the endorsement news, saying that “if and when” Ms. Reynolds endorses Mr. DeSantis, “it will be the end of her political career.”

“Two extremely disloyal people getting together is, however, a very beautiful thing to watch,” Mr. Trump wrote. “They can now remain loyal to each other because nobody else wants them!!!”

• Ramsey Touchberry can be reached at rtouchberry@washingtontimes.com.

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