- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 30, 2023

Liz Cheney, former congresswoman, emphasis on former, has a new book coming out, “Oath and Honor,” where she reportedly dishes on all the Republicans she hates, which is to say any Republican who supported, supports or may support Donald Trump.

This poor woman needs to realize her political career is over — at least in the Republican Party — and no amount of anti-Donald Trump campaigning will revive it, especially in book form. Already the buzz is bad.

Consider the not-so-magnificent teasers that have sneaked into the media so far, ones that go like this — Cheney Heard Through the Grapevine That Trump May Have Said He Lost the Election — or this, a real one from The Hill: “Cheney writes McCarthy told her Trump acknowledged loss two days after election: Report.”

Riveting. Right? Buy two copies. 

One for a pretend friend. One to burn in the fireplace. Nothing like the flaming pages of a thick volume of third-party whispered rumors to combat the cold winter days made colder by Joe Biden economics.

We already know that Cheney detests Donald Trump, and will stop at nothing to stop Donald Trump. Her words; not made-up words. 

“Liz Cheney says she will do whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump from the White House, even if it means leaving the GOP,” The Texas Tribune wrote in September of 2022.

Cheney is then quoted as saying: “I certainly will do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump isn’t anywhere close to the Oval Office.”

She’s further quoted as saying: “I’m going to make sure Donald Trump — make sure he’s not the nominee. And if he is the nominee, I won’t be a Republican.”

That’s almost as startling an announcement as when Hollywood leftists vow to leave America if Trump wins. Yawn.

With Cheney, though, the Trump Derangement Syndrome has gone on long enough. Sometimes, it’s just time to move on. That she hasn’t speaks volumes about her pettiness, her arrogance and pride and her failure to read the nation’s political tea leaves.

Conservatives elected Trump because they were tired of the Republicans In Name Only going to Washington and hitting the golf courses with Democrats to cut deals that sold out the voters who paid their salaries. Cheney and her ilk never got that. What’s more, they never will. They’d rather lose political races with great cries of righteous indignation than suffer the thought of another MAGA reform of America.

They’d rather do the public relations dirty work of political enemies than work with Trump on behalf of the American citizenry.

They’d rather write books blasting Trump, blasting Trump supporters, blasting the Republican hands that feed than admit the people of the party want a GOP that’s more responsive to the political will of patriotic conservatives. Imagine that. Conservative voters want real conservative politicians. Go figure. Cheney can’t figure it.

Cheney, who couldn’t win her primary in Wyoming — Cheney, who lost her primary to a “Trump-backed challenger,” as NBC put it in 2022 — Cheney, who didn’t just lose but went down in flames by more than 32 points to her primary challengers — yes, that Cheney — Cheney now is taking a knife to the backs of her former Republican colleagues and putting into print, into “in perpetuity” print, a scathing takedown of why they all suck.

If her goal is to go petty, hurrah. Mission accomplished.

But if her goal is to offer up scholarly or insightful or even moderately new and interesting commentary on one of America’s most contentious political battles — that of the MAGAs versus the globalists; the America Firsts versus the China Firsts; the individualists versus the collectivists — such that Donald Trump represented, and more — well then, even the headlines in charge of rallying interest about her book are falling flat.

Tell-alls only work when the all hasn’t yet been told. And the people already know Cheney hates Trump, hates Trump supporters and hates all politics and policies that say Trump. The only interest here is to Democrats and Trump-hating media types who can use this book as fodder for the next news cycle of MAGA bashing.

It’s her last grasp — her last gasp — at political relevancy. And it’s too lame, too late.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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