- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 30, 2023

Tired of being betrayed by Republicans who promise this and that, but never deliver? Tired of the Marxists masquerading as Democrats and running as members of the party of the people? Try a third way; a new way; a libertarian way.

Keith Redhead just won a supervisor seat in Ava, New York, as a card-carrying member of the Libertarian Party. And he says the time is showing as ripe for the LP picking.

“There’s a lot of discontent in general with politics and business as usual,” Redhead says, “whether it be Republicans or Democrats.”

Enter the Libertarian Party.

“We really just want the government to back off,” he says. And it’s that message, particularly post-COVID, particularly with the rising costs of inflation, particularly with the ever-encroaching role of politicians who think they’re supposed to provide for taxpayers from cradle to grave — thanks to all this, Redhead says, people are looking for lesser government, and considering libertarian candidates.

Perhaps it’s just what the two-party system needs to get back in line.

Be sure and tune in for more with Keith Redhead about what the Libertarian Party has to offer, and how American patriots might vote smarter in the coming elections. And don’t forget to sign up for the Bold & Blunt newsletter to get the podcast delivered straight to your email box!

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