- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A new coronavirus study from Estonia involving a pool of 329,496 adults just found that — in the words of one of the researchers — “natural immunity offers stronger and longer-lasting protection against infection, symptoms and hospitalization” than the COVID shots.

Umm. Duh. No duh. Doctors and pretend doctors like Bill Gates and their money-making pals in Big Pharma may have bandied about this for years. But the rest of us who didn’t carry and try to conceal glaring conflicts of interest with the making and selling of these so-called vaccines knew early on they weren’t the little saviors of humanity then-Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci and President Biden promised — both of whom, by the way, said they were vaccinated only to later test positive for COVID. More than once. That’s called a clue.

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” Biden promised.

“The situation is so clear, the data affirm — if you get vaccinated, you are protected,” Fauci promised.

Wait a minute.

“President Joe Biden tests positive for Covid-19 again,” CNN reported in July of 2022. The piece went on to say “Biden is fully vaccinated and received two booster shots.”

“NIAID Director Fauci Tests Positive for COVID-19,” the National Institutes of Health reported in June of 2022. The piece went on to say “he is fully vaccinated and has been boosted twice.”

Hmm. That’s some kind of protection. Call it a clue. Another?

Then there was that whole changing definition of vaccine and vaccination thing. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on the heels of the realization the COVID shots didn’t provide immunity — as promised — swung into full gaslighting gear to swap out the word “immunity” in its definition about vaccinations for “protection.” At the same time, the gaslighters also changed the definition of “vaccine” to remove any promise of immunity. Shots don’t work? Well now, it all depends on what is the meaning of the word “work,” doesn’t it. 


Another? The mandates.

If something works, it speaks for itself. If something doesn’t work, the government tries to shove it down Americans’ throats. Think zero-emission cars. Think windmill power. Think Joe Biden as president. None work; none provide anything near what’s promised; yet all exist nonetheless. All come courtesy of the force of government, on wings of fraud. COVID “vaccines” belong on the same list.

Again: Clue.

Want more?

The whole idea that a human can predict deaths, to the point of putting a number on the predicted deaths. That’s one step below pinpointing the exact time of the Second Coming; one step above guessing weights at the local carnival. That bureaucrats turned to computer modeling, the same sort of inaccurate tool used for Chicken Little climate alarmism, to predict COVID doom and gloom was more a way of drilling compliance and dictating controls than warning of truths.

In March of 2020, Fauci predicted between 100,000 and 200,000 COVID-tied deaths in America. In March of 2021, Fauci expressed shock at the reported 531,000-plus COVID-tied deaths recorded in America. What’s more interesting to note than the discrepancy in predicted versus real numbers is the fact that hospitals and medical professionals around the nation were reporting inaccurately on COVID deaths. One hospital would report death due to COVID; another, death with COVID — and the numbers at the federal level were being jumbled and junk-scienced to the point where honest data is forever lost.

The only accurate death count due to COVID comes by analyzing previous years’ deaths in America, discerning the average, and then comparing it to the numbers of deaths reported during the COVID years. In lieu of sound medical diagnostic COVID data, that count gives the excess deaths — the number of deaths during the COVID years that exceeds the number of deaths America normally experiences.

But the bureaucrats didn’t give these proper contexts.

Neither did the media.

Alert Americans already mistrustful of government’s push for shot, shot, shot — already distrustful of taking a shot the government was using free beer and money to push — regarded these curious number games as yet another clue.

Want still another?

From NBC in February: “Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds.”

And earlier, from BMJ, the Journal of Medical Ethics, published March of 2022: “COVID-19 vaccine requirements have generated significant debate. Here, we argue that, on the evidence available, such policies should have recognized proof of natural immunity as a sufficient basis for exemption to vaccination requirements. … [W]e suggest that we lack clear and convincing scientific evidence that vaccine-induced immunity has a significantly higher protective effect than natural immunity.”

All that was discounted by the bureaucratic class, of course. And anyone who dared suggest the shots didn’t work as promised was treated to social media banning, vicious attacks by fear-filled citizens and condemnation, intimidation and shaming by the water carriers of Big Pharma.

Now comes this, a study from Estonia, that states in part: “Studies on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines suggest that protection against SARS-CoV-2 decreases over time, waning considerably after six months. There is a large body of evidence documenting that naturally acquired immunity offers strong protection from reinfection.”

Well now. You don’t say. 

As The Epoch Times reported, citing this Estonia data, “People who received a vaccine were nearly five times as likely as the naturally immune to test positive for COVID-19 during the Delta ear and 1.1 times as likely to test positive for COVID-19 during the Omicron era. … Individuals who were vaccinated against COVID were seven times as likely to be hospitalized during the Delta variant era, and two times when the Omicron variant was spreading.”

Call it another clue — another no duh clue.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

For more information, visit The Washington Times COVID-19 resource page.

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