President Biden’s assertion last week that the U.S. isn’t “going anywhere” at least defines his inconsequential Asia-Pacific summit as less disastrous than his preceding China climate deal (“Biden to Pacific Rim leaders, businesses: U.S. ‘not going anywhere,’” Web, Nov. 16).

China builds six times more coal-fired power plants than any other country in the world. It already manufactures 80% of the world’s solar panels and accounts for 70% of new installed wind power. Biden’s so-called “deal” with China extracts nebulous commitments from the country on emissions reduction while increasing U.S. dependence on Chinese solar panels, wind turbines and lithium battery production.

As a result, the U.S. trade deficit with China will increase, the U.S. economy will suffer and the U.S. will continue enriching an aggressor nation. Biden is correct: Under him, the U.S. is indeed not going anywhere.

Clark, New Jersey

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