- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris, in an interview with CNN, acknowledged that President Biden’s polling numbers aren’t good and that “there’s no doubt about it,” a second term for this POTUS is far from guaranteed.

Thanks, Captain Obvious. Stay tuned for next week’s interview as Harris discusses rumors about an open border.

“We’re going to have to earn our re-elect, there’s no doubt about it,” Harris told CNN on a Sunday telephone call.

Her reference came on the heels of three years of Biden’s presidency, and simultaneously, three years of Biden’s falling poll numbers with the people. And then she followed it with more Johnny-come-lately observations.

“It is absolutely right in a democracy with free and fair elections that the candidates, the people who want to continue in leadership, have to make their case and have to make it effectively,” Harris said. “And that means communicating in such a way that the message is received about the accomplishments and what we care about.”

Hell’s bells.

You don’t say.

Of course, communicating accomplishments is much easier when there are actual accomplishments to communicate.

It’s hard to spin Afghanistan as a win — or the economy and inflation — or the emboldening of China, Iran, Russia, Hamas, Hezbollah, and company — or the obvious mental deficiencies of this president.

“Biden does not have ‘cognitive ability’ to serve another term, says former WH doctor,” Fox News just wrote in a headline.

The former White House physician is Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, and he served for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. In a Fox interview explaining, in part, his support for Trump 2024, Jackson said, “I’ve been saying for quite some time now, when he was candidate Joe Biden, that I didn’t think that he had the cognitive ability to do the job.”

Three years of drooling, ice cream cone-licking, calling-out-dead-people-before-stumbling-off-the-stage executive leadership later, and once again, Captain Obvious steps into the room: It’s not just the doctor who’s ordered Biden back to a sick bed. It’s all of America — and all of America’s allies.

In fact, the only entities who might argue today that Biden is mentally fit for another four-year White House term are America’s foreign enemies, for reasons that are apparent, and Joe’s wife, Jill, for reasons that must be personal. She likes the prestige of the presidency more than she likes her husband.

Well, now. Here we are, winding down the last months of this Biden White House, and even with Joe’s political enemy No. 1, Trump, tied up in court, facing 90-plus indictments, fighting off attacks from every conceivable corner of the country, err, make that countries, the U.N.-loving ones who hate MAGA — even with all that Trump Derangement Syndrome floating about and forcing the top Republican Party pick for the presidency in 2024 to stay off-focus on his political campaign — even with all that, poor Joe can’t cut a polling break.

The people are speaking loudly, and their message is clear: Go home, Joe.

Harris, bless her little heart, as the Southerners might say, is finally feeling his pain — meaning hers — meaning, her chances for another White House term as vice president, or president, depending on who’s making the introductions — yay, Joe! — had this to say, too: “I have a great sense of duty and responsibility to do as much as I can, to be where the people are and to not only speak with them, but listen to them and let them know what we’ve accomplished.”

Good luck with that.

“Poll: Biden’s standing hits new lows,” NBC News wrote.

“On His 81st Birthday, Biden Faces Lowest Approval Rating of His Presidency,” Vanity Fair wrote.

Sounds like the people have already listened — and spoken.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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