The United Nations was formed in 1945 with the erroneous belief that world peace could be achieved, without God’s help, through the surrender of national sovereignty to the congress of world opinion.

As with its predecessor, the League of Nations, the U.N. failed to realize that attempting to maintain world peace at a table representing so many divergent political philosophies is pretty well doomed from the onset.

Our Founding Fathers, in their great wisdom, formed a government that had clear separation between the branches of government. The founders knew that any governing body could ultimately be corrupted, as is the case with the U.N. today.

Whether it is the more than 100 wars and genocides that have happened since the U.N.’s inception, its corruption of the Oil-for-Food Programme or its failures in Rwanda and Yugoslavia, the U.N. has proved itself to be an enemy of the ideals of America. Yet we continue to sink billions of dollars into this cesspool.  

Today, unfortunately, we find ourselves with an incompetent Oval Office occupant who is willing to submit the sovereignty of the United States to the whims of this organization, many members of which are anti-American, anti-Israel socialists. They couldn’t even get a majority vote on a resolution to condemn the terrorist group Hamas for its diabolical attacks on Israeli civilians. 

President Biden’s plan to cede our medical sovereignty to the U.N. offshoot the World Health Organization is just one more example of his disregard of our national sovereignty. After the WHO’s dismal performance regarding COVID-19, why would we consider letting it dictate policy for future pandemics?

Whether it was the agency’s claim that ivermectin was not an effective COVID-19 treatment or its lies to cover up for China by saying it was unlikely that the virus had leaked from Wuhan, the WHO has proved itself useless as a medical authority. Even now, under the Pandemic Treaty, the WHO attempts to garner power to censor what it considers misinformation.

We must get out of the U.N. and the WHO immediately and elect a strong leader, like former President Donald Trump, who believes in and fights for the national sovereignty of the U.S. 


Anniston, Alabama 


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