- Monday, November 13, 2023

Why are our children burning our cities and supporting terrorists?

Americans looked on in horror as radicalized students burned our cities and killed each other during the George Floyd protests in 2020. Last month, our universities, cities and even the U.S. Capitol were overrun by antisemitic leftists supporting the terrorism and mass murder perpetrated by Hamas.

How did we get here?

As the saying goes, follow the money. Indeed, the sources and recipients of corporate charitable donations offer a direct link between the billions corporate America gives to leftist charities and the violence and antisemitism we are witnessing.

America’s many corporations engage in significant charitable giving. These publicly disclosed contributions detail a billion-dollar corporate commitment to dangerous and un-American ideals. Groups like Black Lives Matter, Accion, the Tides Center, UnidosUS, Acorn and Code Pink are just a few of the causes to which U.S. companies give.

One example is the growth of Black Lives Matter. The Claremont Institute released a report this year citing that this pro-Hamas and now discredited Marxist organization raised a shocking $122 million.

This is the same organization that is partners with the National Education Association promoting an antisemitic, pro-Hamas curriculum that is offered to thousands of elementary schools across our country. As the Claremont Institute wrote, “By caving to BLM, American companies not only became the tools of radicals but also laid the groundwork for future violence and extortion.”

And let me be clear. Corporate giving to the left is not balanced by equal or even similar giving to organizations on the right. American corporate philanthropy that fuels hate and supports radicals is a real danger in America.

And the sad thing is that millions of patriotic Americans have no idea every time they swipe their credit card, invest or shop, they are helping to fuel these un-American principles.

That is why the United States needs to continue to build and invest in a conservative economic alternative. The “patriot” or “parallel” economy is an emerging multibillion-dollar economic opportunity that will allow conservatives to stop this avalanche of hate and indoctrination to regain control of the country.

I am CEO of Coign, a conservative credit card company. This year, our first year, we will donate more money to patriotic and conservative 501(c)(3) charities than the three major credit card companies combined. That is shocking, and it is why I created Coign.

Conservatives and our causes have been pushed so far into the corners of corporate America that we have essentially ceased to exist, so we created a conservative alternative.

Coign is joined by an exciting and growing landscape of companies that are uniting conservatives through commerce and charitable causes. These companies offer a new choice for conservatives to align their commerce and their values. This conservative corporate growth is allowing conservative charities who care about freedom, education, justice and governing to be funded at greater and greater levels.

Have we caught up to the billions mainstream corporations gives to the left? Not yet, but we are growing. For example, Coign will become a multimillion-dollar perpetual fountain of conservative charitable giving in a few short years.

We are only one of the many new innovative companies on the right that are uniting conservative commerce to fund a resurgence in pro-American charities, institutions and schools.

A diversity of voices in the marketplace is a fundamental tenet of free-market capitalism. Yet with regard to corporate giving, there is no balance. For decades, the left’s long march through America’s institutions have been fueled by money from American corporations.

Now we are seeing the fruit of this investment: chaos in our cities, antisemitism in our schools and dangerous, un-American ideas taking flight in our young. Changing America will take vision and a commitment to reclaim the corporate leadership critical to a great American future.

Conservative companies fueling conservative commerce and causes are our best path to break the cycle of hate and destruction in America.

• Rob Collins is the CEO and founder of Coign, America’s only credit card for conservatives.

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