- The Washington Times - Monday, November 13, 2023

Secret Service agents protecting President Biden’s oldest granddaughter, Naomi, fired off a gunshot at three individuals attempting to break into a government vehicle outside her Georgetown home, and now D.C.’s Metropolitan Police are investigating.

Nobody was reportedly injured.

But how wonderful for Naomi to have such wonderful and armed protection while she basks inside her wonderfully guarded home — while the rest of the Democrat-controlled city’s residents and visitors fear to walk at night.

The city is not only crime-infested, driven by Democrats’ enabling ways and defund-the-police petitions. But it’s also one of the strictest in the nation in terms of rights-to-carry.

“In general, you must be licensed to carry a firearm in the District concealed, while open carry is prohibited,” the Metropolitan Police report on their website.

Perhaps that’s part of the reason there have been 227 homicides in the city this year so far — and that’s compared to 187 during the same January-through-mid-November time frame in 2022, according to DCWitness.org.

The elites don’t worry so much about crime stats, though.

They have armed guards outside their security-surveilled homes and professional car services carry them from front door to office door, where they’re greeted by more armed guards who, in some cases, escort them past perceived danger points to areas where the public is kept at bay. Then the whole security system works in reverse to cart them back home at night — where they sleep behind locked doors in gated and guarded communities, with police patrols that don’t delay in responding at quick-time to alarms and calls for assistance.

It’s interesting that the Secret Service fired off a shot.

In the case of Average Joe and Jane, Metropolitan Police make clear such an act wouldn’t have passed scrutiny.

From the Metropolitan Police website: “Under the case law of the District of Columbia, the District is neither a ‘right to stand and kill’ nor a ‘duty to retreat to the wall before killing’ jurisdiction. The District case law has established a ‘middle ground.’ You should take reasonable steps, such as stepping back or walking away, to avoid the necessity of taking a human life, so long as those steps are consistent with your own safety. However, you do not have to retreat or consider retreating when you actually and reasonably believe that you are in danger of death or serious bodily harm and that deadly force is necessary to repel that danger.”

By the Secret Service’s own statements, “there was no threat to any protectees” — meaning, Naomi. Moreover, the three suspects were trying to break into an unoccupied car.

That doesn’t seem to meet the District’s smell test for rightful defensive discharge of a weapon.

But: This is a Biden.

This is a protected elite.

And as Democrats have made clear: Laws don’t apply to elites. Second Amendment rights are only for the chosen few.

Naomi Biden deserves to have armed protection, whether through trained agents or with her own handgun. But so do all Americans. And since most Americans can’t afford to hire armed agents, the Second Amendment serves as a great equalizer. If only Democrats would see it that way. They’re blinded by hypocrisy.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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