- The Washington Times - Friday, November 10, 2023

President Biden is set to meet with China President Xi Jinping in San Francisco on Wednesday to see about smoothing relations at a time of Middle Eastern and Russia-Ukraine boiling tensions.

Let the groveling begin.

Biden’s administration, while previewing this one-on-one, has already tipped its hand of weakness.

“We know efforts to shape or reform China over several decades have failed,” an unnamed senior administration official said to reporters in a pre-conference telephone call, as reported by The Hill “But we expect China to be around and to be a major player on the world stage for the rest of our lifetimes. And we think diplomacy is how we clear up misperceptions, signal, communicate, avoid surprises and explain our competitive steps.”

Say what?

That’s all code for: We come to grovel! We come to explain ourselves. We come to beg forgiveness. We come in peace. What happened to America’s strong Judeo-Christian founding; our God-given individualism and strength-from-the-Creator? Bowed and cowed to the coming global collectivism. Sad. It’s a sad and sorry day when America the free is doing a diplomatic dance of appeasement to communists.

China, without a doubt, is not only coming to win — but coming to nail the lid on America’s coffin.

They’re coming like sharks who know their prey can’t swim. They’re coming with the types of smiles reserved for the daft senior at the Thanksgiving dinner table, the one they pat on the shoulder and tut-tut as they take away the carving knife.

Republicans are worried. With good reason.

America doesn’t need to project any more weakness than its already projected the last three years.

In a letter to Biden, Republicans on the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party recommended the president press for ten concessions from Xi, beginning with the release of all U.S. citizens that have been wrongfully detained by the CCP and including a halt of all China’s military operations in Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone.

Republicans also say the meeting is a perfect opportunity for Biden to address the flow of fentanyl across America’s borders, which the Chinese have largely fueled.

“Despite repeated concessions from Washington,” the Republicans wrote, “Beijing has taken no action to stem the flow of deadly fentanyl precursors to North America, no action to increase market access in line with its trade commitments, no action to reduce tensions in the Taiwan Strait or to stop its dangerous military provocations in the South China Sea, and no action to stop its unprecedented campaign of espionage against the United States. On the contrary, many of these problems have only gotten worse, especially over the past year.”

Yes. That’s because Biden’s fragile and feckless and mentally ailing, and the world knows it. That’s also because those in the White House who aren’t mentally ailing themselves say publicly, loudly for all to hear, things like, hmm, let’s see, “and we think diplomacy” to “explain our competitive steps” is the way we deal with foreign enemies, err, oops, sorry, foreign friends who happen to be communists.

Grovel, grovel, grovel.

“Well, I think you’ve seen Biden has begged for this meeting [with Xi], right? He sent four cabinet members to China to go and try and court the Chinese. And so not they’re going to grant him a meeting,” Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said, on a recent Fox News segment. “But the key is, what’s he going to talk about in the meeting?”

Oh, you know. They’ll chat up Ice cream flavors and slam some deplorables; maybe sell a Hunter Biden painting or two — the usual chit-chat and chatterbox. Thing is: Xi only took this meeting to prove to the world beyond a shadow of doubt that China is the power of the here, now and future, and that America is dying, dying, nearly dead.

This White House, meanwhile, has a much humbler expectation. If Biden doesn’t call out dead people, or amble down the corridor mumbling about President Harris, then win-win: the media will glorify the occasion as one of Biden’s Best Moments Ever.

In the world of reality, though, the only glory stroke with this summit will be for the evil players of the world. When America’s weak, the world burns. There’s a reason why in recent times the Taliban took over Afghanistan; Russia attacked Ukraine; Hamas attacked Israel; Hezbollah stirred its terrorist pot; why Iran aggresses Americans, why Iran’s proxies the Houthis are firing at Israel and shooting down American drones— and it all points to this White House.

The 2024 White House race isn’t just important for Americans. It’s crucial for world peace. It’s imperative to have a strong U.S. president who can once again set the evil in its place — or at the very least, recognize and fight the evil.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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