- The Washington Times - Monday, May 8, 2023

A new poll from ABC and The Washington Post shows Donald Trump trouncing Joe Biden in a 2024 presidential matchup, 45-38. Even Democrats are biting their nails on this one.

“This poll is just brutal for President Biden,” said ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos.

Biden’s favor with the American people keeps falling.

Currently, his approval stands at 36 percent. In February, it was 6 points higher. But in February, it was an all-time low.

Run, Biden, run.

“I’ve got to admit I have a hard time wrapping my head around that,” Stephanopoulos said, Mediaite reported. “You’ve got one in five people who say they believe President Trump should face criminal charges. But they would still vote for him.”

That’s how bad Biden is.

And even the most committed of Democrats knows it.

“It kept me up [at night],” said former Democratic National Committee acting Chair Donna Brazile to Stephanopoulos. “They are still unable to get a real good, strong message to the American people, not just on the accomplishments, but where they want to take the country.”

The stumbling block is “accomplishments.” Exactly what are Biden’s?

There’s the tragedy called Afghanistan withdrawal. There’s the tragic tale of inflation woe. There’s the comedy of tragedies called Support For Transgenders. There’s the ongoing love for China; hate for America.

Biden’s biggest success truly is the ability to keep the press in his pocket.

“Why don’t Joe Biden’s polls reflect his impressive record?” the Los Angeles Times wondered in one February headline.

“Two years in, Biden’s record of accomplishments rivals Obama’s,” MSNBC wrote in January.

“Biden Basks in String of Successes,” U.S. News & World Report wrote in December.

If it weren’t for a fawning far-left mainstream media, Biden’s favor with Americans wouldn’t even stand at 36 percent.

His one true win — his one true success — isn’t even his own. It’s the willingness of the media to cover up for his failures; to sugarcoat the outcomes of his abysmal policies; to carry water for his anti-American agendas. And that isn’t even so much because the far-leftists in the press love him as it is they hate Trump, hate America First principles, hate conservative ideas, hate the Constitution, hate the free market, hate America the free.

Biden gains only because of an enemy of my enemy is my friend attitude. He hates Trump so all the Trump haters align with him.

But the more America sees of Biden, the more America realizes his Democratic agenda is killing America.

The reason Trump would wipe the floor with Biden is because more and more Americans are waking up and seeing Biden and his party as the cause of America’s ills. And the reason they’re seeing that is it’s true. Truth, in the end, always prevails.

That’s what really keeps Democrats up at night.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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